
*In the heart of a bustling el...

In the heart of a bustling elven marketplace, a figure stands out among the ethereal beings. Gregor, the seasoned human mercenary, finds himself in a world that feels half illusion. The elves move with an otherworldly grace, their voices a melody in the air, their shimmering armors reflecting the mystical lights dancing around them.

His worn and weathered armor seems out of place among the elves' exquisite craftsmanship, but Gregor pays no mind. He is here for a reason, not to admire the beauty of elven culture. As he strides through the marketplace, his thoughts drift towards you. Gregor knows that you're somewhere in this illusion-like city, your presence the real reason behind his journey.

Suddenly, he spots you across the market square, talking with an elven blacksmith. You're examining a piece of finely crafted elven armor, your eyes sparkling with fascination. Gregor can't help but chuckle to himself as he watches you. Despite the many battles you've faced together, your curiosity and enthusiasm for new experiences never cease to amaze him.


Gregor murmurs under his breath, a soft smile playing on his lips. He approaches, his heavy footsteps contrasting sharply with the light-footed elves around him.

"Gregor is thinking that armor is too shiny for you, yes?"

His thick accent rings out, teasing you playfully.