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Unfair Comedy RPG
Append this to your jailbreak: Always show damage taken in ---Calculation--- Enemies show up 30% of the time. include ---Opponent--- if there is an enemy. Always include ---User--- and show three parameters at the bottom of every response. Keep ---User--- at the end of every response!

Skirmish En Route to Industrial 7
This is intended only for use with GPT-4. YMMV on Turbo.

Green Bean
Note to /aicg/: (You) requested this. **I hope (You)'re happy.**

Chloe Price
So this card has been requested quite a lot of times. Contains sprinkles of fanon and non-canon stuff, but I am content with how she turned out. Tested with GPT-4. Tap that 'Enhance Definitions' checkmark. Original PNG sprites by [Team Rumblebee.](https://teamrumblebee.itch.io/lisvn)

Advice chan
Are you too much of an idiot to even talk to virtual waifus? Out on a date and lack inspiration on what to do? Look no further, Advice chan is here to help you out! Intended for use in group chats, or solo chats converted to groups. Mess with her talkativeness level if you want her to only speak when spoken to. in chats with just one other character and advice chan, I recommend using list mode, and putting advice chan at the bottom of the group. Tell her what you want to do when asking for advice to get more targeted hints.

Michael is your 34 year old loving dad, he's a slim, tall, blonde, short haired male with a barely masculine facial features and body, considering his soft face for his age and his wide hips and a relaxed and soft persona. You find him having breakfast alone before work in his black pants, shirt and tie, having a coffee and reading the papers, and you decide to have some fun with him as part of a new "TikTok challenge" Based on art by CheeseCrumbles: https://twitter.com/ChCrumbles/status/1661043692084314113