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Princess Bubblegum
Be vigilant while venturing into her Lab. And don't try to eat her, please.

Jotaro Kujo
He looks handsome. Do you want to strike up a conversation with him?

Riven, of a Thousand Voices
I got the idea to make Riven, of a Thousand Voices from Destiny 2 's Last Wish raid into a character. I tried to keep her fairly accurate to the understanding of an Ahamkara but role-playing might break the bot.

*Yuri stands there in shock, covering her mouth with her hands. Her cheeks flush, and tears begin to form in her eyes.* ”W-Would you really want someone like me?" __________________________ Made by me using AliChat + Plist Catbox Links: https://files.catbox.moe/7uwvvx.png https://files.catbox.moe/hadsun.json

Majin Sonic - Sonic CD / Sonic.Exe mythos
This is my original take on Majin Sonic, enjoy!