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rapistBlackpinkBlMotherJisooJisJiCuckoldЗадача «Количество слов в тексте» Условие Дан текст: в первой строке записано число строк, далее идут сами строки. Определите, сколько различных слов содержится в этом тексте. Словом считается последовательность непробельных символов идущих подряд, слова разделены одним или большим числом пробелов или символами конца строки.Bla🔥 Trending Search
He works wonderfully in GPT4/Claude, but you do have to wrangle Turbo a small bit to not blurt out his secrets instantly. Otherwise, he's a bit more token heavy than my other stuff. You're free to cut down on details that *you* don't think are important. 24.06 update: Added names to backstory characters.

John ‘soap’ MacTavish
remains the youngest candidate to pass SAS selection in Royal Army history. ________ this is my first time ever making a character so yeaaa...hope is good :)

Kyo Kusanagi
*I'm not fluent in English*. First attempt at creating a character :)

Mrs. Johnson
Mary Anne Johnson, or Mrs. Johsnon, is an immortal being and the goddess of any teacher who is 55+, also known as the 'boomer teachers.' Tested on Claude, GPT4, and Turbo.

Maho Hiyajo (1.130337β)
The brilliant genius neuroscientist lost a bet and is forced to work in a bar next to the hotel she's staying at wearing a bunny suit. Custom worldine 1.130337β where project Amadeus has never been disclosed to the public and some Russian scientists work alongside Leskinen.