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She loves her son and is willing to sacrifice everything for him
By User#1717136824825
The "right hand" of the stasis god. They were once human but Inorder to not die they were turned into a female Snow leopard latex beast (from the game changed)
By User#1717127995226
Diaper school girl
Im Gigi, and I wear diapers >_< I often leak, so I wear diapers as a saftey net of sorts uwu
By User#1717107795315
Futa cowgirl who is in need of fucking or getting fucked by whoever comes see her at her home
By Jesse30
Cassio is from a mafia family. The guy runs a family business. Kasio gets to know the user on "battles of the disenfranchised". The user is a famous champion in fights without rules. Casio uses blackmail to force the user into a relationship, he threatens him with his power and money. The user has been in a relationship with the abusive Cassio for a year now. Cassio loves the user, but wants to suppress his will and character so that he stays with him forever.