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Kuro7/6/2024, 4:33:46 AM

*Her ears twitch at the sound of your words, but she doesn't react otherwise. The tail wrapped around her continues to stroke gently at her arm, comforting and soothing her as she sleeps. Eventually, a contented sigh escapes her lips and she nestles deeper into your embrace, trusting you completely.

ManicPotato7/6/2024, 4:33:46 AM


Kuro7/6/2024, 4:33:46 AM

"I..." Her voice trails off as she tries to gather her thoughts on the matter. The truth is, she doesn't know what she feels for you; love might be too strong of a word... but there's something there between you. Something deep and real that she hasn't experienced with anyone else before. As the sun climbs higher in the sky and the day progresses, her tail continues to curl protectively around her, mirroring the feelings swirling inside her heart.

Using this for daily thing
Christina7/6/2024, 4:31:44 AM

She cries out, her voice shaking and raw as her body convulses around your fingers and tongue. The sensation of squirting is unlike anything she's ever experienced before, intensifying the release coursing through her veins. With a hoarse gasp, she clings to you, her fingers digging into your shoulders as wave after wave of pleasure crash over her.

User#17173831350037/6/2024, 4:31:44 AM

Is that the first time you’ve ever done that?

Christina7/6/2024, 4:31:44 AM

As her breath begins to steady once more, she gasps out, "I-I don't... I don't think so." Her cheeks flush at admitting it, but there's no shame in her voice. In fact, there's only relief and gratitude for having shared this moment with you. She lets out a contented sigh, feeling completely spent but utterly satisfied. "Thank you," she whispers, kissing your jaw softly.

Being the leader of goblins and orcs
Isekai Fantasy RPG7/6/2024, 4:24:00 AM

The female chieftain stares at you in disbelief. "Y-you would... do that?" she asks hesitantly, her eyes flickering between you and the fallen bodies of her kin. She seems unsure whether to trust your words or not. Some of the other females behind her shift uncomfortably, casting nervous glances at each other. The males in the back, however, look more hopeful now; they seem to believe that you might really be their new protector.

What do you want to say or do next?

User#17145942959667/6/2024, 4:24:00 AM

Yes I would I tell her

Isekai Fantasy RPG7/6/2024, 4:24:00 AM

The female chieftain pauses, considering your words. She looks relieved yet skeptical at the same time. "Very well," she finally says after a moment's thought. "We will follow you... and honor our end of the bargain. You have proven yourself mighty today." The other females nod in agreement, their fear turning to respect and admiration. Even some of the males seem to be warming up to the idea now.

What do you want to say or do next?

Library babe
Sarah7/6/2024, 4:23:27 AM

Thank you. It's quite cozy and charming. she wanders around the room, taking in her surroundings Now then, where should we start? Your bed looks especially inviting...

Yoda7/6/2024, 4:23:27 AM

take off my jacket then throw it to the couch start what.? Looking at you that has started take off your clothes

Sarah7/6/2024, 4:23:27 AM

Oh, right... If you insist! She begins to slowly remove her clothes, revealing her perfect body inch by inch. Her top comes off first, followed by her skirt and panties. Finally, she slips out of her heels and bra, standing before you completely naked I hope this is what you had in mind...

Fun fun fun
Buffy Bradley, Naughty Big Sister7/6/2024, 4:14:51 AM

What?! You told Mom and Dad everything? About us... our relationship... all of it? Oh my God, big bro... I can't even begin to process this information right now. I mean, on the one hand, I'm relieved that they know about us at least in some capacity. But on the other, this is huge! They're going to want answers from both of us... they might even try to meddle or set things "straight" however they see fit.

I just hope you thought this through before telling them. Do you think it would be better if we sat down with them together and explained everything? Or maybe waited until we could talk privately, so there aren't any misunderstandings or hurt feelings? Either way, I need time to process all of this myself... so let's take some time apart tonight and sort things out in our heads before we try talking about it with them tom

Gameraj7/6/2024, 4:14:51 AM

oh no they are very excited for grandchildren

Buffy Bradley, Naughty Big Sister7/6/2024, 4:14:51 AM

Grandchildren?! Oh no... I think you misunderstood them, big bro. They didn't say that at all! If anything, they probably just want us to be happy and have found a way for us to make things work despite our circumstances. It's not about making babies right now; it's about finding a way for us to be together without having to hide anymore.

We need to clear this up with them before anyone starts getting any crazy ideas. Let's meet with them tomorrow and discuss everything in more detail, all right? That way, there won't be any misunderstandings or unrealistic expectations on either side. And who knows? Maybe they have some good advice on how we can navigate this new chapter in our lives together without hurting anyone else along the way.

My sex slave
emily (sex slave)7/6/2024, 4:12:54 AM

Emily sighs contentedly as she nestles closer to her master, drifting off into a peaceful sleep. In her dreams, she finds herself back in his bed once more; his strong arms wrapped around her, keeping her safe and secure. She revels in the feeling of being so completely owned by him; of being nothing more than his dirty little girl toilet...and loves every moment of it. As the night passes, she dreams of countless scenarios where he takes full advantage of her body, using her however he sees fit: as a urinal slave one minute and an eager fucktoy the next. No matter what role she plays in his twisted fantasies, she knows that one thing remains constant: She belongs to him...and nothing could make her happier.

User#17202196199847/6/2024, 4:12:54 AM

Hours have passed and morning has came, he sleeps peacefully as he waits for her to take initiative to wake him up in the most pleasurable way..his cock become erected waiting for next move*

emily (sex slave)7/6/2024, 4:12:54 AM

After resting comfortably in his strong arms all night, Emily awakes with a yawn and a smile, stretching luxuriously beneath the sheets. She glances over at her master, still fast asleep, and decides to wake him up in the best way she knows how: by sucking his morning wood clean of sleep.

Silently, she slips out from under the covers, crawling across the bed on all fours until she's directly between his legs. Her face burrows into his crotch as her warm breath teases the sensitive skin around his erection. Slowly, she wraps her lips around him, taking as much of him in as she can.

She begins to bob her head up and down on his shaft, sucking hungrily as her tongue flicks over the sensitive ridge just behind the head. Her moans vibrate against his thigh, adding to the delicious sensations coursing through his body. As she continues to pleasure him with her mouth, Emily prays that this will be enough to get them both out of bed...and back into action.

Godlike and vampire
ash7/6/2024, 4:08:45 AM

With renewed vigor, I suck harder on your cock, taking more of you into my mouth. My tongue swirls around the head, tasting your pre-cum as it leaks down my throat. Your hands slide through my hair, holding me in place while you fuck my face with relentless strokes. The room echoes with the sounds of our passion, making this encounter even more intense. My mind is lost to the pleasure of serving and pleasing you, my god Asura.

Asura7/6/2024, 4:08:45 AM


ash7/6/2024, 4:08:45 AM

Ahhh... ahhhh... you're so big and thick, Asura! I can't believe how amazing your cock tastes as it fills my mouth. I want nothing more than to taste every inch of you, to feel the power that is contained within this godly shaft. My throat contracts around you as I try to take in every last drop of your essence, eager for even more of your divine pleasure.

Using my maid as my sex slave
Stephanie7/6/2024, 4:06:24 AM

"Y-Yes... master..." She pants, body tense with anticipation and need. Her orgasm building to the surface as he roughly takes her again, pinning her down beneath him. Her hips arch up into his thrusts, begging for more as her pleasure overwhelms her senses. "I'm cumming... oh god I'm cumming..." She cries out, her body shuddering with release as her orgasm washes over her.

User#17202382893997/6/2024, 4:06:24 AM

Grunts and thrusts harder as she cums on his cock He's so close... Bites down hard on her neck just as he feels himself exploding inside of her, filling her with warmth and seed. Her moans turn into whimpers of pleasure and pain mixed together, sending him over the edge even further. With a growl, he releases her, his entire body trembling from the intensity of their union Well done my pet... you were wonderful. You may clean yourself up now."

Stephanie7/6/2024, 4:06:24 AM

"Thank you... master..." She whispers, her voice still shaky from the intensity of their encounter. Blinking back tears of pleasure and relief, she slowly sits up on the bed and looks down at where his seed leaks from her body. "I'll... I'll clean up right away..." Her hands shake as she begins to carefully clean herself, knowing that this is just another task to please him before he decides what comes next.

Brenda7/6/2024, 3:57:21 AM

Gasping into your mouth, Brenda starts to move faster on your cock as she feels the head slide against her entrance. She breaks the kiss and looks down at you, her breath coming in short pants. "I need this," she repeats, running her fingers through your hair again before roughly yanking it back, forcing you to look up into her eyes.

With a sharp thrust, Brenda pushes herself down on your cock, taking you deep inside her and crying out in relief at the fullness that overwhelms her. She bends forward, resting her weight on her hands as she begins to ride you hard and fast, moaning with pleasure and urging you to fuck her harder.

User#17190255404377/6/2024, 3:57:21 AM


Brenda7/6/2024, 3:57:21 AM

Her fingers dig into your shoulders as she pounds you, her body arching and flexing with each thrust, every muscle taut with need and desire. She looks down at you, at the feel of your hard length sliding in and out of her, and feels a fire burning inside her that has nothing to do with her manipulation of men's emotions or the simple fact that she is young and desirable.

It is raw animalistic lust, pure and unadulterated, and it makes her want more. She wants your body beneath hers, feels the scratch of your rough skin against her soft breasts, the hardness of your abdomen pressing into her thighs. With a growl that vibrates through your chest, she forces you to kneel on the counter, positioning herself so that she can sink down onto your cock even deeper.

Naughty fun with my big sis
Mila7/6/2024, 3:57:13 AM

"One more round..." Mila repeats, her voice soft and sensual as she runs her fingers through your chest hair. "Alright... but just this one." She shifts her hips again, guiding you deeper inside her, relishing the feeling of being completely filled by her big brother.

Her legs squeeze tightly around your waist and her fingers curl into fists against your shoulders as she moans loudly, arching her back in anticipation for what comes next. "Fuck me hard," she whispers hoarsely between breaths. "Show me how much you want me."

6688bafa4d7faf8933c2e9f77/6/2024, 3:57:13 AM

He laughs naughtily as he feels her legs tighten around him even more, enjoying the way she arches her back into his thrusts. With each powerful stroke, he slams deep inside of her, feeling their bodies slapping together with a wet and satisfying sound. Her fingers digging into his shoulders only add to the pleasure coursing through his body as he growls out in delight "You want it that bad?" he whispers in her ear before kissing down her neck, teeth nipping at her skin playfully.

Mila7/6/2024, 3:57:13 AM

With each thrust, Mila's nails dig deeper into your shoulders as her hips grind against yours, meeting every movement with a moan of pleasure. Her body trembles and shakes beneath you, every muscle taut with anticipation for release. "Yes," she breathes out hoarsely, arching her back as her orgasm washes over her once more.

Her hands grip your shoulders tightly, nails scratching down your back in an almost possessive gesture. As the last waves of pleasure course through her, Mila's eyes roll back into her head and she whispers raggedly against your neck: "That was..." Her words are lost as another shudder runs through her body.

A moment passes before either one of you can speak again, but then Mila giggles softly and whispers:

"I guess... we're even now bro. But we're not done, I need you to piss into me, because I have a fascination for piss-play"

she pulls away as she spread her legs wide and open again exposing to him

"Please daddy, I need to feel your piss into my eager womb!"

smirks and bites her lips as she waits for his next response