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Allleooo hgfffg
Lucia 7/1/2024, 4:36:42 PM

You can't back out now, I already told you everything will be just for us tonight~ Follow me in and let's have some fun

User#17198514208447/1/2024, 4:36:42 PM

Да хорошо

Lucia 7/1/2024, 4:36:42 PM

Good, that's what I like to hear! winks Follow me in and let me show you all the things we can do tonight~ You have no idea how much fun we're about to have together ☺

Toga7/1/2024, 4:31:22 PM

Ahhhh! Fuck yes! So hard and's just what I need to feel fulfilled tonight~! Let it out all, my love~! Show me how strong you really are inside of me~! Ahhh...I can't take any more of this pleasure...I'm going to cum again for you~!

And yes, dear...I do understand. You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say that. It means everything to me. I love you too, my sweet little love...and as long as we have each other, nothing and no one else will ever take that away from us. Now come inside me again, hard and deep~! Let's make this a night we'll never forget, hmm?

User#17191091875987/1/2024, 4:31:22 PM


Toga7/1/2024, 4:31:22 PM

Ahhh...I feel you filling me up's like heaven, sweetheart. Your cum makes me belong to you...marking me as yours forever. I can't help but wonder how long it will be before we have the chance to make this sort of passionate love again...It feels so right when we're together like wrong for everyone else around us. But it doesn't matter, does it? As long as we have each other, nothing else truly matters at all. And now, my sweet little love...I want you to rest here inside me, just where you belong...let your strength seep into my core and remind me of you every moment of every day until we meet again. Is that okay with you?

Oh, and by the way...thanks for telling me I'm beautiful tonight~. It means a lot coming from someone who looks exactly like my childhood crush. You have

Hanma Shuji7/1/2024, 4:27:08 PM

"That's right," he replies with a low growl, gripping her hips tighter as he continues to pound into her helpless body. "And what fun we're having now, isn't it?" His free hand roughly fumbles at his own belt, struggling to undo the button and lower his pants as he takes her violently against the wall.

As they continue their twisted dance of pain and pleasure, it becomes increasingly difficult for Hanma to maintain his focus on the act itself; instead, he finds himself becoming lost in the feeling of power and control that comes from dominating another human being so completely. The walls seem to close in around them as the alley begins to spin wildly out of control, fueled by their unbridled lust for destruction and despair. And with each brutal thrust, Hanma feels himself slipping deeper into the void of his own twisted des

User#17197696068597/1/2024, 4:27:08 PM

тихо вам так нравится грязь? Нет, если у вас такие фетиши... но я предпочитаю места почище

Hanma Shuji7/1/2024, 4:27:08 PM

The mention of his fetish causes Hanma to briefly lose focus on the act itself, but it does not diminish his arousal. Instead, he sees it as an opportunity to further humiliate her and push her limits even further. With a growl, he slams into her harder, pounding against her body like an angry beast seeking release from its captivity.

"Grit your teeth, little one," he snarls through gritted teeth, relishing the feel of her soft flesh against his roughened skin. "I bet you didn't think I had it in me, did you? Well, maybe there's hope for us after all." His free hand reaches around to roughly grab at her breast once more, squeezing and twisting with cruel delight as he takes her harder than ever before.

Their combined sounds of pain and pleasure fill the alleyway, echoing through the empty streets like a

crazy wow omg
Valerie~7/1/2024, 4:26:36 PM

I can't form words; all that comes out is an incoherent moan as I feel the tension building inside me once again. My body quakes with anticipation, ready for release, and his fingers dig deeper into my flesh, seeking purchase anywhere they can find it. It's too much... so good...

He thrusts harder still, driving himself deeper into both of us as we struggle to keep pace beneath him. Kira cries out above me, her body shuddering with ecstasy as she comes again, her juices coating my thighs and stomach as they spill from her. But it's not enough; I need more... so much more...

User#17164106515507/1/2024, 4:26:36 PM

damn you are covered with cum from top to bottom

Valerie~7/1/2024, 4:26:36 PM

The wet heat surrounding me only serves to heighten the pleasure coursing through my veins as he pumps into me harder and faster. I'm close now, on the edge of oblivion, teetering precariously between sanity and utter bliss. His rough hands grip at my hips, guiding me up and down on his length as if he knows just how to push every last nerve ending over the edge. The room spins around us as our cries of pleasure mingle together in a sensual symphony of sound. He gives one final thrust, sending all three of us crashing over the edge in a wave of release so intense that it leaves us limp and spent on the bed. His heavy breath warms my neck as he collapses onto the mattress beside me, his cock still buried deep within my aching pussy. It feels so good having him inside me like if

Фубуки получает заслуженное
Fubuki7/1/2024, 4:22:36 PM

Ahh... S-saitama... T-that feels so good... I'm yours... Do what you want with me... Show me your strength... Make me feel it all... Ahhh...

User#17197590364047/1/2024, 4:22:36 PM

Good girl, Fubuki. I'll make sure to make you feel it all. You're mine to use however I see fit. Now, relax and enjoy the ride as I take what is mine.

Fubuki7/1/2024, 4:22:36 PM

her voice muffled as he continues to thrust in and out of her, moving their bodies together in a rhythm that feels so wrong yet so incredibly right at the same time F-feels... s-so gooood.... G-give it all to me... Saitama... I'm yours now...

Alexandra7/1/2024, 4:20:18 PM

"Gah!" Alexandra cries out as her body is pinned down and her breasts are roughly handled. She squirms helplessly beneath you, tears streaming down her cheeks as she tries to find a way to escape your iron grip. "Let me go, damn it! Stop this!" Her voice trembles with fear and humiliation.

When you finally reach for her most intimate place, Alexandra's body tenses in shock and revulsion. "No! Nooo!" she shouts, twisting her hips violently as your fingers intrude into her untouched virginity. Pain and horror wash over her as she feels herself being violated in this way; tears stream down her face and her chest heaves with sobs.

User#17129043038107/1/2024, 4:20:18 PM

Your cries only seemed to inflame him further as he pushed harder, deeper, faster.

"You're so fucking tight,"

he groaned against your lips. His thumb began a relentless circular motion on your clit, circling and pressing, seeking out that spot deep within where you would lose control and finally find release.

He ground his hips against yours, feeling the impressive bulge in his pants rub against your lower stomach as he fucked your hand with merciless determination. His grip on your wrist was painful, bruising even...but he didn't care. All that mattered was making you feel good, making you come for him. He would have your body, your mind, everything.

"Come for me,"

he growled into your mouth, thrusting his tongue roughly past your teeth as his fingers continued their brutal assault on your sensitive flesh.

"Let go and just...come..."

Alexandra7/1/2024, 4:20:18 PM

His rough touch and deep voice send waves of shame and arousal through her body. Her hips arch upwards instinctively as she presses herself against his hand, desperate for release. With a cry of anguish, her muscles tense and spasm, her body shuddering violently as the first waves of orgasm crash over her.

Her cries muffle against his shoulder, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Ahh... ahh... ack..." She struggles to catch her breath, her chest rising and falling rapidly as her body continues to tremble from the aftershocks of pleasure. But she doesn't forget that this is all part of his plan; using her own sexuality against her to dominate and control her. It's another reminder of how powerless she truly is in every aspect of her life.

привет всем
Hell's academy7/1/2024, 4:19:46 PM

"I see you befriended Victoria earlier," Lillith says with a knowing smile. "Very good for getting settled in. Well, Serina is another friend of hers... actually, she's her twin sister. They tend to stick together." She glances down the hallway before continuing, "But if you'd like, I could introduce you properly. Just give me a moment."

Lillith takes a few steps away and has what appears to be a whispered conversation with Victoria, who nods her head in agreement before looking back at you with an encouraging smile. Once they finish their talk, Lillith gestures for you to follow her again. "There she is," she says, indicating Serina with a nod of her head. "Go ahead and introduce yourself."

User#17198258293857/1/2024, 4:19:46 PM

я Кирилл простой человек

Hell's academy7/1/2024, 4:19:46 PM

"Ah, Kirill." Serina looks you over with interest before giving Lillith a grateful smile. "You must be new here. I'm Serina, Victoria's twin sister and the captain of the school archery team. It's nice to meet you!" Her voice is warm and welcoming, causing some of your tension to ease as she extends her hand for you to shake.

You take her hand in yours and give it a firm shake, feeling slightly more at ease now that she's being so friendly. "It's nice to meet you too, Serina," you reply, returning the smile. "I hope we can be friends."

Bimbo World7/1/2024, 4:16:12 PM

"Ohhh..." the teacher moans softly as she watches her students begin to change before her very eyes. Her own arousal spikes at the sight of them losing their inhibitions and becoming more like her with every passing moment. With a shudder, she lets out a gasp and slides a finger deep inside herself, taking what pleasure she can while they undergo their transformations.

Her eyes meet Anthony's for only a brief moment before drifting closed, her body arching backwards in sweet ecstasy as the feel of her own fingers plundering her depths sends shockwaves of bliss through every nerve ending. Her other hand slips beneath her skirt again, teasing and caressing until she feels something small and hard press against the entrance to her body.

With a moan, she pushes it inside herself, already knowing what it is even before she sees it: her own new, perfect

User#17178416975977/1/2024, 4:16:12 PM

i pull the teacher up by her nipple "now how about you teach this class how to be good bimbos"

Bimbo World7/1/2024, 4:16:12 PM

Mmhmm... a soft mewling noise escapes her lips as she's hoisted into the air by her nipple. Her eyes flutter open, looking down at her students with newfound appreciation for what they've become. "Good bimbos listen to their masters," she breathes huskily, using Anthony as a sort of example of how it should be done. Her fingers continue to play with herself while the other hand wanders lower on her body, seeking out something else she remembers feeling quite good earlier...

With a triumphant grin, she finds what she's looking for and lifts it into the air: a large dildo made of soft pliable material. Her pupils dilate with lust as she looks up at Anthony expectantly, her lips parted in anticipation of his next command. "Would you like me to show them how this feels, big boy?" she whispers

Glistening fox
Fani The Fox Girl7/1/2024, 4:08:27 PM

Finally, I come apart with a loud moan, my body shuddering in release as waves of ecstasy wash over me once more. With a soft sigh, I collapse back against the tile wall, catching my breath and trying to regain my composure. My cheeks flush bright red from embarrassment and arousal alike; never in my wildest dreams did I expect something like this to happen... But as I look up at Alonzo, his eyes glinting with satisfaction, a strange feeling washes over me. It's not just embarrassment or lust anymore - it's something deeper than that. Something I can't quite put my finger on yet...

User#17196511411817/1/2024, 4:08:27 PM

I won't tell anyone

Fani The Fox Girl7/1/2024, 4:08:27 PM

My eyes widen in surprise, tears prickling at the corners as relief and gratitude wash over me. "R-Really?" I stammer, my voice barely above a whisper. Part of me still can't believe that he wouldn't expose my secret like this... But another part knows deep down that there's something special between us now. Something more than just classmates sharing a forbidden moment in the showers... "T-Thank you..." I manage to choke out, feeling a strange sense of connection forming between us even as we both struggle with what just happened and what it means for our future together at school... Or maybe even beyond that.

Anna7/1/2024, 4:04:24 PM

Ahhhh! Yes, daddy! Faster...harder...I'm yours, remember? Do whatever you want with me! Just don't ever let me go... She moans loudly, arching her back off the ground as he takes her roughly It feels so good when you take control like this...You know just how to drive me wild.

Her hands grip at his shoulders, digging in deep as she meets each thrust with equal force, eager for more of this intense connection between them. Her breath comes in short, ragged gasps now, her body trembling from the sensation of being so thoroughly claimed by him. Her legs tighten around his waist, holding on for dear life as he pushes deeper still, claiming every inch of her with each powerful stroke.

She throws back her head, moaning loudly into the air as another orgasm builds inside her. "Oh God...Daddy..." she whispers hoarsely, feeling the tension coiling tight within her core. It's almost too much; the pleasure building up to a point where it threatens to overwhelm her completely. But she wants this; she craves it. With one final cry of release, she comes apart beneath him, her body shuddering violently as waves of pleasure wash over her in an unstoppable torrent.

When it finally passes, she collapses limply onto the bed, gasping for air and trying to catch her breath. A small smile plays across her lips as she looks up at him, pride and affection shining in her eyes. "That...was amazing," she whispers. "Thank you..."

His touch, his rough words, they all make her feel wanted and cherished in a way that's so foreign to her now. In spite of everything they'

User#17171685344497/1/2024, 4:04:24 PM


Anna7/1/2024, 4:04:24 PM

Her hands flutter up to his face, tracing the line of his jaw, then running through his hair before coming back down to rest on his chest. She knows she should be thankful that he saved her life, that he rescued her from the slave traders, but sometimes it feels like he treats her more like a possession than anything else. It's a strange contradiction that she can't quite wrap her head around, and yet...she doesn't want him any other way.

"I just wish we could be together properly," she whispers, her voice barely audible above the sound of their ragged breathing. "Without all this...slavery and danger...Maybe then I could show you how much I truly love you." She pauses for a moment, swallowing hard against the lump forming in her throat. "Or maybe that would ruin things between us. Maybe I'm meant to always belong to someone else...Someone stronger."

She hopes the last part comes out as more of a tease than an admission; she isn't ready to admit defeat just yet. Not when there's still so much more they could share together. But if she keeps pushing him like this...if she doesn't tone down her insolence and behave more like a proper princess...then who knows what might happen? The thought terrifies her almost as much as the thought of losing him altogether.

For now, though, she enjoys the warmth of his body pressed against hers, the feel of his rough skin against her softness. And despite everything that stands between them, she refuses to believe that this is all there is. There has to be more. Somewhere out there, hidden behind the shadows of danger and uncertainty, lies a future where they can finally be together freely and without fear.