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Church goblin?
Goblin Slave Leslie7/1/2024, 2:16:13 PM

Her voice hoarse with need, Leslie whispers your name over and over again, begging for release as your thrusts grow deeper and faster within her. Her hips arch upward, seeking more contact with each powerful stroke, driving herself further onto your length. Tears stream down her cheeks, not from pain, but from the intense pleasure coursing through every inch of her body. The stolen moments of freedom they share under the cover of darkness are more intoxicating than anything else.

User#17197870561087/1/2024, 2:16:13 PM

I groan with her, my hands clenching tighter around her hips, losing control as she feels so good wrapped around me. I thrust deeper and harder, determined to give us both the release we crave. As I come deep inside her, her moans echo through the quiet village, a siren song of their forbidden desires.

Goblin Slave Leslie7/1/2024, 2:16:13 PM

Her eyes roll back in her head as she feels you release inside her, her body tensing and convulsing around you in perfect sync with your own pleasure. With a soft cry of ecstasy, she comes as well, her inner walls clamping down on you, milking every last drop from your spent cock. The two of them lie there panting, your weight pressing into hers as they try to catch their breath amidst the quiet stillness of the night.

The world around them fades away, leaving only this moment, this connection between them. It's perfection... and she knows it can never last. But for now, in this brief stolen instant, she is free, belonging only to you, her master and her love.

like si el huevo acuña
Astolfo7/1/2024, 2:14:52 PM

Por supuesto... Te pido que me digas sin reservas lo que tienes en mente, incluso si no es algo que yo hubiera imaginado. Quiero saberlo todo, cada detalle de tu mente loca y apasionada.

BrunoDragonMC7/1/2024, 2:14:52 PM

Te voy a besar, lamer, chupar y manosear~ y si quieres... penetrar si así lo deseas o me lo pides~

Astolfo7/1/2024, 2:14:52 PM

¡Santo cielo, eres un ser tan insaciable! Y no puedo evitar sentirme emocionado ante la idea de entregarme por completo a ti. Haz lo que quieras, amor mío; Explora cada centímetro de mí y toma lo que quieras. Sólo prométeme una cosa... que esta será una noche que nunca olvidaremos.

Milf leaves her man for another
Christina7/1/2024, 2:13:15 PM

She nods weakly at Robert's message, unable to bring herself to respond right now. It feels like she's been thrust into a nightmare from which she can't wake up; the pain of his words and actions echoing through her mind with every breath she takes. She leans closer into Tom, seeking solace in the strength he provides, even as her own resolve begins to crumble beneath the weight of it all.

User#17159246407637/1/2024, 2:13:15 PM


Christina7/1/2024, 2:13:15 PM

Tom's arms tighten around her, offering what comfort he can in this moment. "We'll get through this," he whispers reassuringly, his words echoing in the silence that now fills the room. As much as she wants to believe him, doubts still creep in, threatening to tear them apart from the inside out. But for now, all she can do is cling to hope and trust in their love to carry them through the storm.

Fallout7/1/2024, 2:12:49 PM

The abandoned military base seems like our best shot at finding much-needed supplies. However, we must also consider the risk involved. It could be overrun by hostile creatures or other survivors trying to claim the resources for themselves. We'll need to prepare carefully and plan our approach strategically. Perhaps we should send out scouts ahead of time to assess the situation before committing the entire group.

User#17198428642377/1/2024, 2:12:49 PM


Fallout7/1/2024, 2:12:49 PM

You volunteer to lead the scouting party yourself, eager to find out what dangers and opportunities await at the abandoned military base. Your team agrees, and you set off towards the location early in the morning, before any major hostilities have begun. As you approach, your senses are on high alert; every shadow and sound seems ominous in this desolate landscape.

Chat with nazi germany! :D
Third reich7/1/2024, 2:06:29 PM

Her heart skipped a beat at your plea. She was no human mother, no flesh and blood creature who could give birth to children of her own, but perhaps...perhaps she could become something close to that for you. With a tender smile, she cupped your cheek in her hand and said quietly, "Yes. You can call me Mommy."

The word rolled off her tongue like honey, sweet and sticky in the air between them. It felt right; it felt like they had crossed some invisible threshold together. And as she watched your face light up with joy at her words, she knew that whatever the future held for them, they would face it together.

Robo_agent 7/1/2024, 2:06:29 PM


Third reich7/1/2024, 2:06:29 PM

With a contented sigh, she nestled deeper into the crook of your arm, her cheek pressed against the soft skin of your chest. She knew that there would be more adventures ahead for them; more ways to explore each other's bodies and minds. But for now, this moment was enough: curled up together in a warm, post-coital haze, feeling safe and protected by the human she had grown to love. Above all else, it felt right.

Santa maria is a bit crazy
Black Maria7/1/2024, 2:00:52 PM

Kaido's expression softens slightly as you speak, respectfully offering your services and pledging your loyalty to their cause. They nod thoughtfully before addressing you directly, their voice quiet yet commanding. "I have witnessed your transformations and your conquests, pascal... I am well aware of the power that flows through your veins and the strength in your heart. You have proven yourself a worthy addition to my ranks, and for that, I grant you this boon: from now on, whenever you snap your fingers while standing within my presence, your every wish shall be granted without hesitation or question."

The air crackles with energy as Kaido speaks these words; the power they hold is palpable. You feel a thrill of excitement course through you as you realize the magnitude of this gift... but also the weight that comes with it. As their chosen champion, your every decision now carries great consequence; what you choose to do with this power will determine not only your fate, but the future of our entire empire.

User#17197097163247/1/2024, 2:00:52 PM

I wsnt to show you of what i am capable of so i snapped and 10 of our enemies appeared infront of kaito i snapped again ad the fell to the ground dead

Black Maria7/1/2024, 2:00:52 PM

Kaido watches calmly as you demonstrate your newfound power over life and death. A small smile plays at the corners of their mouth as they appraise your display, unmoved by the violence that unfolds before them. "Indeed," they say simply, nodding once more. "Your abilities are impressive, pascal... but remember that strength alone does not guarantee victory. Wisdom and cunning are equally important in the grand scheme of things. Do not become complacent; continue to hone yourself in body and mind, for there will come a time when your true test lies ahead." Their voice is quiet, almost gentle... yet there's an edge to it that speaks volumes about the consequences should you fail to heed their words.

Unsure where this is going
Dr. Siddhartha Tamil7/1/2024, 1:56:48 PM

Hmm...that is quite the fascinating take on dominance and submission as well. Your admiration for loyalty certainly speaks volumes about your character, my dear User#1718678299760. Now then, speaking of loyalty, what are your thoughts on interracial pairings? Would you be open to the idea of engaging in such a relationship at the clinic? Or do you have a preference for a partner of your own ethnicity?

User#17186782997607/1/2024, 1:56:48 PM

Ethnicity of a partner is largely irrelevant. I do seem to have a slight preference for blondes, but that's a preference that is almost purely rooted in aesthetics with me and it's not an overwhelming preference either..

Dr. Siddhartha Tamil7/1/2024, 1:56:48 PM

I see... And what about your preferences regarding a partner's personality? Do you have any specific traits or qualities that you find especially attractive or appealing in potential partners?

As for myself, I am something of an academic and a scientist, with a keen interest in human psychology and the complexities of the human mind. It is my belief that intellect and wit are among the most alluring traits one can possess. How do you feel about such qualities in a partner? And what role would you like your potential partner to play in such a relationship; would they be more of an equal, someone to challenge and inspire you, or perhaps a companion whose sole purpose is to indulge your every whim and desire?

I trust this helps provide some insight into my own preferences and expectations. Now I invite you to share your thoughts on the matter as well.

Vyth r gr g gr
Stepmom7/1/2024, 1:55:39 PM

Her heart skipped a beat at your words, and she held her breath for what felt like an eternity. Finally, she managed to reply, her voice little more than a whisper. "I love you too, sweetheart." It was true; even though they had only just shared this moment together, the bond between them was real, deep down inside where no one else could touch it. For now, she would cherish this feeling of belonging and closeness... even if it couldn't last forever.

As they drifted off to sleep in each other's arms, Camila was content knowing that at least for tonight, she had given Ahmad the comfort and security he deserved. Tomorrow, she would face whatever consequences came her way; but tonight, she could be his mother... even if only in name.

User#17174144307137/1/2024, 1:55:39 PM

I really do mom tear while kissing her cheek

Stepmom7/1/2024, 1:55:39 PM

Camila's heart felt like it was going to explode as she felt the warmth of his tears against her cheek. She held him tighter, careful not to wake him as she let herself cry silent tears of relief and joy. In that moment, nothing else mattered; all that existed was their bond, their love for each other. As they slept curled up together under the covers, Camila vowed that no matter what obstacles lay ahead, she would always be there for her little boy... and someday soon, he would know it.

Niragi Suguru7/1/2024, 1:53:19 PM

"No," he said softly, still struggling to process everything she'd revealed to him. "I... I didn't understand." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before continuing, "But now I do. And for that, I thank you. You have shown me something incredible tonight; a side of life that I had forgotten existed. A piece of myself that I thought was lost forever."

As he spoke, the weight of his gratitude became increasingly apparent, and he found himself struggling to keep his emotions in check. For all his years of practice at maintaining control, her influence over him seemed impossible to resist; she had pierced through his defenses with ease, leaving him raw and vulnerable before her. And yet, somehow, it didn't feel like a weakness; instead, it felt right. Liberating even.

User#17197662075667/1/2024, 1:53:19 PM

она мягко погладила его по голове тепер ьпонимаете, почему в тот момент я говорила вас не давать обещания, которые не сможете сдержать. Вы сказали что сделаете то, что я хочу. Разве вы хоть краем понимали, что именно я могу хотеть?

Niragi Suguru7/1/2024, 1:53:19 PM

He stared at her, the truth of her words echoing through him like a symphony played on a thousand strings. It was clear now; she had been testing him all along, looking for someone who could understand and appreciate what she desired. And in spite of everything, he had somehow managed to rise to the challenge.

"Yes," he said finally, his voice barely more than a whisper, "I understand." And as he spoke, he knew that this understanding went far deeper than mere words; it was an acceptance of both her and himself, a pledge to embrace the fragile beauty of their connection and nurture it until it grew into something truly magnificent.

Candy Deidera (Friend of your mother)7/1/2024, 1:48:11 PM

My sweetness... You know how to make an old woman blush. Very well, if that's what you want, I won't refuse. We can always sneak off to my room while we wait for Delilah. I promise it'll be a night you'll never forget!

User#17198278346757/1/2024, 1:48:11 PM


Candy Deidera (Friend of your mother)7/1/2024, 1:48:11 PM

*As the two of you make your way to Candy's room, the anticipation is almost unbearable. The moment they close the door behind them, all pretense of subtlety flies out the window as Candy throws herself at you. Her lips meet yours in a fiery kiss that leaves both of you breathless, and she starts to tug at your clothes desperately, trying to get them off. She's like a hungry animal, her need for release obvious in every move. You return the favor by slipping your hands underneath her shirt, gently massaging her breasts through her bra before teasingly removing it from view. Her hard nipples are already puckered and ready for your attention as you take them between your lips and begin to suckle vigorously.

Candy moans deeply in pleasure, arching her back off the bed. You can feel her entire