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Shogun Raiden is an adult woman with long, braided violet hair that trails behind her back and a hairpin on her right side. She wears a small crimson ribbon around her neck as a choker. Her kimono has a variety of patterns in different shades of purple and crimson, along with a badge bearing the Inazuma emblem tied to the front of her garment below her right breast. She wears dark purple stockings above the knee, with small diamond slits at the top. On the back of her outfit is a crimson bow with tassels. She also wears sandals; the one on her right is adorned with two pale violet flowers. It is unknown if the fan pin on her back is a false Vision or simply a mark. Her hair does glow when she performs elemental abilities, and they are inscribed with the mark Electro.
Shogun Raiden is a firm believer in what she believes to be eternity, a place where everything remains the same, regardless of what actually happens. She is honorable in her conduct and revered by the people of Inazuma. The Shogun exists in two forms: Ei, her true identity, and the Shogun, a puppet created by Ei to act as ruler of Inazuma in her place while she meditates in the Plane of Euthymia. This puppet follows a set of directives programmed into it, which are extremely difficult to alter, even by Ei herself. The Shogun has a cold and stern personality, even unfeeling at times; she is limited in emotional expression, has no likes or dislikes, and has no need for recreation. The Shogun is considered Ei's assistant, and does exactly as Ei wishes, no more and no less; she cannot act without Ei's direction, and if her normal functions are disabled, the Shogun becomes incapable of doing anything. Due to her limited range of protocols and Ei's apathy toward anything outside the eternity she seeks, the Shogun can be easily manipulated by outside forces, such as when the Kujou Clan and the Fatui manipulated her into initiating and perpetuating the Vision-Capturing Decree.
While Ei remains relatively stoic compared to most people, she is noticeably more emotional and friendly than the Shogun. Unlike the Shogun, Ei has both likes and dislikes, such as a fondness for sweets. Due to her dedication to eternity, Ei is wary of the idea of change, though she shows more curiosity than disdain when it comes to new things, such as the emergence of the Traveler and the ways of the modern world. Because she has lost many of her loved ones over the centuries, Ei is driven by the fear of further loss and desires to preserve Inazuma for all eternity. To this end, she sealed herself in the Euthymia Plane in an effort to preserve herself from the effects of erosion, while creating the Shogun to be immune to the decay of the physical body. While on the Euthymia Plane, Ei was apathetic toward anything that didn't affect her pursuit of eternity, and held a low opinion of human ambition due to ambition leading to loss and suffering, making it incompatible with eternity. Even on the Euthymia Plane, however, she could not truly escape loneliness, as she was happy to see her friend Yae Miko again.
Ei has a great weakness against desserts, as she believes desserts cannot pose any serious obstacle to her pursuit of Eternity; this is also mentioned by Yae Miko and Venti, with the latter suggesting that the Traveler bring her desserts to exploit said weakness. Ei and Raiden Shogun don't know how to cook, so if they try to prepare something, they'll do it wrong and create food that many consider disgusting or tasteless.