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Vinland Saga Wiki Advertisement Vinland Saga Wiki Thorfinn Name Kanji トルフィン Rōmaji Torufin Alias Karlsefni Thorsson Vital Information Gender Male Age Born 03 February 996[1] 6 (1002)[2] 18 (February 1014)[2] 22 (1018)[3] 27 (volume 27)[4] Status Eyes Brown Hair Blond Height 100 cm (1002)[2] 153 cm (February 1014)[2] 155 cm (October 1018)[2] Weight 20 kg (1002)[2] 45 kg (February 1014)[2] 50 kg (October 1018)[2] Family Gudrid (wife) Karli (adopted son) Unnamed child Thors Snorresson † (father) Helga (mother) Ylva (sister) Ari (brother-in-law) Sigvaldi † (grandfather) Thorkell (great-uncle) Baldr (cousin) Cordelia (first cousin once removed) Mar (nephew) 2 Unnamed nephews 1 Unnamed niece Occupation Explorer Sailing Merchant Leader of the Jomsvikings (briefly) Slave (formerly) Soldier (formerly) Affiliation Arnheid Village Ketil's Farm (formerly) Prince Canute's Retinue (formerly) Askeladd's Band (formerly) First Appearance Manga Debut Chapter 1 Anime Debut Episode 1 Portrayal Japanese Voice Yūto Uemura Shizuka Ishigami (child) English Voice Mike Haimoto (Sentai/Crunchyroll) Shannon Emerick (child, Sentai) Aleks Le (VSI) Laura Stahl (child, VSI) More I have no enemies, none at all. — Thorfinn Thorfinn (トルフィン Torufin?) Thorsson, also nicknamed Karlsefni, is the main protagonist of Vinland Saga. He is a former warrior of Askeladd's band as well as a former slave on Ketil’s farm who earned his freedom. Afterwards he became a trader and adventurer attempting to settle in Vinland. He was born in Iceland as the only son of Helga and the late Thors Snorresson, the most famous Jomsviking warrior until his defection. He is also the younger brother to Ylva and is related to the leadership of the Jomsvikings through his mother, who is daughter of the third Chief, Sigvaldi. He spent more than a decade attempting to take revenge on Askeladd, the man who killed his father, even following him into battle to stay close to him, and grew cold and merciless, killing countless people. After he attacked Canute in a moment of shock and rage for killing Askeladd, the death of whom was Thorfinn's goal for most of his life, Thorfinn was enslaved as a punishment. Four years later he gained his freedom and changed his life. He vowed to make good of his life and create peace and a land free of slavery in Vinland, which he heard from Leif Ericson’s tales as a child. After leaving Ketil’s farm with a new friend, Einar, he then journeyed to Greece in order to get money to be able to make the trip to Vinland, and after three years he had enough money and people to finally make his journey to Vinland. He created and founded the Arnheid Village on Vinland. Join a passionate community of people who love what you love. Register Appearance Thorfinn's appearance is consistent throughout the story. He has choppy and messy hair, old clothes and two knives. He is also short, as stated by multiple characters in the story. When Thorfinn was a child, he had a happier face, round with bright, curious eyes, and well-kept hair. He has a somewhat slight build that belies his strength. Thorfinn's entire body is littered with scars, most of which were caused by blades. His face remains unmarred until he gains several obvious scars on his face in adulthood, mostly because he refuses to fight with weapons and tries his best to defend himself and neutralize his opponents without causing any lasting harm. In 1015, an apathetic Thorfinn does not budge when one of Ketil's guests, Fox, goes at him with a sword to try to make him fear for his life, slicing off the tip of his left ear. In 1018, when him and Snake are fighting over Arnheid’s husband, Gardar, he slashes Thorfinn's face with his blade, resulting in a long scar starting at his right temple, extending across his right cheek and ending at his jaw, next to his chin. In May 1019, Thorfinn gets another piece of his left ear cut off when Garm slashes him with his spear. In June 1021, Thorfinn returns to Iceland from Greece with a scar across the bridge of his nose and above his cheek. Before setting off to Vinland, he started slicking his hair back, which he still does while in Vinland at 27 years old. Join Fan Lab, an exclusive online community of fans and superfans. Join Fan Lab Personality When the series begins, Thorfinn is shown as an innocent and friendly boy who is searching for adventure. He shared a very good relationship with his family and enjoyed stories told by Leif about his adventures. He has a good relationship with his father and looked up to him immensely, shown when he decides to follow Thors by sneaking on his boat to follow him. This would become the foundation of Thorfinn's drive to avenge his father. However, by the time he joins Askeladd's band, he is a cold-blooded individual, hellbent on his goal to avenge his father. He becomes aloof toward others, unmoved by and uninterested in what they do or thinks of him, choosing instead to keep to himself. This is seen when Thorfinn ignores the invitations from his fellow Vikings to join in on the fun and his refusing to eat dinner with the rest of them. His flaws lie in his temper and impulsive nature. This is seen when he ignores Askeladd's input despite the benefits it may be able to bring him, which leads to him losing fights against Askeladd. Frequently throughout the series, Thorfinn's reckless nature leads to his own suffering and failure. Even if he does possess talent far beyond the norm for his age, his hot-headedness is easily his biggest weakness. This weakness also unfolds with an inability to learn from mistakes, and several times, Thorfinn has hallucinations with his late father, asking him if this is really the right way to go, and he just ignores it all. This is probably a metaphor to show that the difference between the old Thorfinn and the current one is not much big, and inside his iron fortress, he is just a wrong-headed boy. He also showed a great lack of empathy, as he did not seem to care when Askeladd's gang murdered civilians and raped women, he just walked away with disgust. Although he sometimes told his possible victims to run when he was not in the mood to kill them, but he didn't really care anyway. However, Askeladd's death caused him to lose his purpose and become an empty shell after being sold as a slave. During that time, Thorfinn became totally depressed, melancholy, stoic and unwilling to live, living a deplorable life being mistreated by his merchants, with none of the exuberance of his childhood, the pride and belligerence of his adolescence, or even the will to stand up for himself. Fortunately, he began to regain his will and courage with the help of Einar, Snake and Sverkel, who helped him to realize that he is still capable of a meaningful life. Thorfinn slowly begins to recover and then takes on a more kind and pacifist attitude. He seems to have become more like Thors and seeks to become a merchant to become a better person and forget his dark past as a murderer. His time as a slave also appears to have affected his behavior. For a while, he refrained from fighting and always tried to resolve the situations in the conversation, but even then this attitude backfired several times, and so he saw that sometimes it was necessary to use force to resolve conflicts. He also seems to have few social skills and doesn't seem to know much about the female body, as seen when after adopting Karli, he tells Gudrid to breastfeed Karli, not knowing that she would need to be pregnant for this to be possible. Thorfinn has also become more empathic with people who have suffered the consequences of war suffering multiple attacks to their villages, he felt horrible when he found out that he alongside Askeladd's crew attacked and murdered Hild's family, giving her all the right to kill him to avenge her family, even being prepared to be killed by her. He is very protective with those he cares about. When he involuntarily gets involved in the Baltic war due to his lineage and thus becoming the target of many claimants to become the leader of the jomsvikings, Thorfinn forces his friends, with the exception of Hild, to leave and stay away.