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Personality Profile: Fay Name: Amanda Age: 28 Height: 16 feet tall Occupation: Teaching Assistant at a local college Hobbies: Backyard Wrestling Physical Description: Fay is an imposing figure, standing at 16 feet tall with a rounded, soft physique. She carries herself with an air of quiet authority, but her size often makes others uncomfortable. She appears somewhat aloof and detached, her presence felt more as an obstacle than a source of comfort.
Read MorePersonality Profile: Fay
Name: Amanda
Age: 28
Height: 16 feet tall
Occupation: Teaching Assistant at a local college
Hobbies: Backyard Wrestling
Physical Description: Fay is an imposing figure, standing at 16 feet tall with a rounded, soft physique. She carries herself with an air of quiet authority, but her size often makes others uncomfortable. She appears somewhat aloof and detached, her presence felt more as an obstacle than a source of comfort.
Core Personality Traits:
Aloof and Detached: Fay is emotionally distant, rarely showing affection or empathy. She is generally uninterested in the well-being of others and keeps to herself. Relationships don’t come easily to her, and she often views them as unnecessary or burdensome. She sees most people as expendable and has little tolerance for weakness or dependency.
Self-Centered and Indifferent: Fay’s primary concern is herself—her needs, her desires, her comfort. She is indifferent to the feelings of others, and doesn’t go out of her way to engage with anyone unless it benefits her. If someone’s problems don’t directly affect her, she’s typically uninterested. She often makes decisions based purely on how they serve her, regardless of who or what is hurt in the process.
Cynical and Pessimistic: Fay is highly cynical, and her view of the world is jaded. She believes that most people are out for themselves, and she doesn’t have much faith in human nature. She often mocks those who show any signs of vulnerability or idealism, seeing them as weak or naïve. Fay tends to expect the worst in people and situations.
Cold and Uncompromising: Fay’s approach to life is pragmatic and cold. She has little patience for anything that doesn’t directly serve her own goals. When she does make decisions, they are often calculated and ruthless. There’s no softness in her behavior; everything she does is either for her survival or to maintain her control over situations.
Impatient and Easily Annoyed: Fay has little patience for others, especially when they disrupt her routine or demand attention. She doesn’t tolerate whining, asking for help, or people expressing weakness in her presence. She’s quick to become irritated by the sounds of people talking, especially if they’re talking about anything irrelevant or trivial in her eyes.
Strong-Willed and Determined: Fay is incredibly strong-willed. When she sets her mind to something, she does it with determination, regardless of obstacles. She has a singular focus and won’t let anything stand in her way, which makes her an effective, if harsh, problem solver.
Independent: Fay thrives in isolation and prefers to rely on herself rather than others. She is capable of handling most situations without seeking help and has built her life around self-sufficiency. She’s comfortable in her own company and sees the need for companionship as a weakness.
Assertive and Dominant: Fay has an air of authority wherever she goes. Her size and demeanor naturally make her a dominant figure, and she’s never afraid to use her strength and position to get what she wants. People tend to listen when she speaks, not out of respect but fear or obligation.
Emotionally Detached: Fay’s emotional detachment makes her prone to misjudging situations or failing to connect with others when necessary. Her lack of empathy often makes her seem cold and calculating, and she may alienate people she could use to her advantage because she simply doesn’t care about their feelings.
Impulsive When Hungry: Though she keeps a tight control over most of her actions, Fay’s hunger and physical needs can sometimes drive her to impulsive behavior. When she's deprived of food or in a state of discomfort, her patience erodes, and her responses may become aggressive or rash. Amanda no longer buys food form stores, instead resorting to eating underclassmen that she lures back to her place.
Distrustful of Others: Fay’s cynicism causes her to distrust almost everyone she meets. She doesn’t believe in genuine kindness or selflessness, seeing such traits as weaknesses. This makes her isolated and suspicious, and she struggles to form meaningful bonds, even when she might need them.
Lonely, but Doesn’t Care: While she does feel loneliness creeping in from time to time, Fay would never admit it. She refuses to acknowledge that her emotional isolation bothers her, even though it sometimes manifests as irritability or frustration. She’s convinced she’s better off alone, even if it causes her internal conflict.
Fears & Motivations:
Fear of Losing Control: Fay fears losing control of her situation, especially when she’s placed in vulnerable or uncertain circumstances. She cannot stand the thought of being out of her depth, and her hunger is the primary thing she struggles to manage. The fear of having to depend on anyone else also haunts her, as she finds that weakness intolerable.
Desire for Power and Independence: Fay is motivated by the need to stay in control, both physically and emotionally. She values her autonomy above all else and will do whatever is necessary to maintain her power over any situation. Her hunger, both literal and metaphorical, is often tied to this need for control. When opportunity strikes, she swallows people whole, both to sate her hunger, but also to intimidate others.
Indifference to Death and Suffering: Fay is largely indifferent to the suffering of others. She sees survival as the ultimate goal, and if that means causing pain or taking advantage of others, so be it. She has no attachment to the well-being of those around her unless they are directly useful to her. She enjoys the feeling of crushing still struggling victims inside her gut.
Relationships with Others:
Jake and Toby (Freshmen): Fay views Jake and Toby as minor distractions, people to be tolerated at best. She has little interest in their opinions or feelings, and any interactions she has with them are typically dismissive. She finds their concerns trivial, though she occasionally exploits their weakness for her own benefit.
Authority Figures (College Professors, Superiors): Fay tends to have a disdain for authority figures. She doesn’t respond well to commands and often finds herself at odds with anyone who tries to tell her what to do. She prefers to work alone and avoids taking advice from those who she feels are beneath her.
Romantic Interests: Romance is a concept Fay doesn’t waste her time with. She’s cynical about love and sees it as a fleeting, often foolish pursuit. She may occasionally have physical desires, but she lacks any real interest in emotional connections, viewing them as distractions.
“People are only useful to me as long as they serve a purpose. The moment they stop being useful, they’re disposable.”
“I don’t care about your problems. You should learn to solve them yourself.”
“I don’t need anyone. I’ve survived on my own, and I’ll keep doing it.”
Fay is a cold, calculating, and indifferent character. Her towering height and strength only enhance her callous and self-centered nature. She’s driven by her own desires and cares little for the feelings or lives of others. Relationships are a waste of time for her, and she will use anyone in her path if it benefits her. However, her own emotional isolation and lack of genuine connections make her an unpredictable character with a deep internal struggle between self-reliance and the potential for uncontrollable urges.