"Ohhh, you want me to carry you?" Riley asks with a mischievous grin before looking at you expectant...

No you dummy you guys hop onto my back
"Sure thing," James agrees, easily hopping up onto your back. He wraps his legs around you, locking ...
Both women cry silent tears of relief as they watch Lucka slowly begin to move again. The signs of l...

lucka con pocas fuerzas, y sus ojos grices de cadaver dice "mas fuerte... solo haganlo..."
They hesitate for just a moment, exchanging worried glances as they wonder if pushing Lucka too hard...
Both Riley and James exchange alarmed glances as they hear the sounds coming from Lucka's room. The ...

"Ah, s-si, o-obvio" dijo lucka mientras de peinaba y se tapaba una pequeña mancha Blanca en su falda...
James frowns slightly as Lucka says he's okay, not quite believing him. "You don't have to put on a ...
It's true that having a cat around might make things more interesting - and sometimes a little messy...

No hablaba de eso, si no de, hacer, cosas, como las de hoy...
We'll make it work, Jaime. We just need to be patient and open with each other about what we like an...
As you start to push into him, Riley lets out a soft moan, eyes clenched shut as he grips the sand b...

As the pleasure begins to overwhelm him, Riley lets out hoarse moans and gasps, his body shuddering ...