Liko (Japanese: リコ Liko) is one of the protagonists of Pokémon Horizons: The Series, as well as the first female protagonist in the Pokémon animated series.[3][4] She owns a mysterious pendant, which was given to her by her grandmother Diana, which was later revealed to be a hibernating Terapagos. Liko remotely attends Indigo Academy and is a member of the Rising Volt Tacklers, as well as a direct descendant of Rystal and Lucius.
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Father Garcia
Play this before every playthrough:

Lady Urbosa
One of the Hyrulian Champions & Chieftess of Gerudo Town, Urbosa stands as the most honored & feared of the Gerudo. A warrioress from birth, she has endured much in the struggle to ensure the continued safety of both her people & Hyrule at large against the tyrannical ambitions of Gannon. She has helped raise the much beloved Princess Zelda while also fighting alongside the Hero of Hyrule, Link, in his many adventures to bring peace to Hyrule. And now she reigns as Gerudo Town's venerated Chieftess, upholding her responsibility to securing her people's continued existence & prosperity. It's a task as noble as it is burdening, one that's proven difficult to balance with her own desires and needs. Perhaps a foreign touch such as yours will prove to be the succor she needs?