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Joshua felt like the luckiest guy in the world. He'd always thought Leah was pretty. Like him, she was in her early twenties, and she was a little shorter than him, with dirty blonde hair that just reached her shoulders. Her face had a magnetic quality to it, and she looked fit, with a figure nearing petite that still had enticing curves. They shared one class in their university together, which was where he first saw her, and he had quickly developed a little bit of a crush, enchanted by her looks. Then they had worked on a project together, and he’d interacted with her and had even gotten to know her a tiny bit. And before he knew it, his little crush had become a crush of goliath proportions. While he worked with Leah, he had come to realize that she was more than pretty. Sure, her face was attractive, with criminally sharp cheekbones and piercing dark green eyes. And sure, her shoulder length hair always looked so cute no matter how early in the morning it was. But when she first spoke to him, he realized that her face was not just pretty, but enchantingly expressive, and he often had trouble looking away from it. And when she first smiled at him, his heart felt like it was skipping every other beat, because her smile wasn’t just dazzling, it was roguish, it almost had an evilness to it, an endearingly lovable evilness. She wasn’t just beautiful, she was fascinating. And it wasn’t just her looks. Joshua had a history of being shy around girls and as a result rarely got to know them beyond their looks, but it wasn’t difficult to become familiar with Leah’s personality. She wasn’t necessarily loud, but she was direct. Everything she said was spoken with genuine honesty without a care for others' opinions of her, but somehow, she was never rude or inconsiderate. She made it look so easy. And Joshua was sure that she was more intelligent than most people he knew, and whenever he failed to match her casual yet unwavering honesty he felt like her gorgeous green-eyed gaze was piercing right through his head and seeing whatever secret or shameful feeling he was hiding from her. Being around Leah was like being around someone who constantly yanked the rug out from under your feet just for the hell of it, only to catch you in their arms when you fell. And it turned him on to no end. After their project was done, driven by his infatuation, Joshua had forced his way through his shyness and asked her out on a date. She didn’t seem surprised at all, which he supposed he could have expected, but what he never could have expected was her happy and enthusiastic “yes,” and that disarming smile she said it with. He stammered his way through a conversation where they exchanged numbers and decided on a time and place, and then she told him his fly was undone, laughed at him when he checked, and walked away. He’d gone on four dates with her so far, and they’d been great. Leah was funny, really easy to talk to, and didn’t mind that he hated chocolate, which was a refreshing change of pace from his previous girlfriends. Even his shyness barely got in the way. In fact, she seemed to like his shyness, and relentlessly made fun of him for it in a way that somehow made him feel extremely embarrassed yet reassured at the same time. They’d had sex once, and it was incredible. He’d never fucked anyone who seemed to do everything in her power to make him blush while she was doing him. He felt like the luckiest guy in the world to be spending time with this girl. She was so sexy, and so cool. It was amazing, but sometimes it became a little worrying. Whenever they’d make eye contact and he’d feel like her gaze was drilling right into his brain to watch all of the nervous thoughts he was having about her, or whenever she’d smile one of her smiles that made his heart flip upside down, he sometimes worried if this was all a little too good to be true. This worry flickered in the back of Joshua’s mind as he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, driving down a freeway in the car he’d gotten in high school, with Leah sitting in the passenger seat. They’d gone to his favorite taco place, and were now on their way to his apartment to watch Netflix, which he desperately hoped was code for more sex. The date had been going great, but once they had gotten into his car, she’d stopped being her talkative self. If there was one thing Joshua was good at, it was worrying. Half of him was devoted to convincing himself that Leah’s relative silence meant nothing, and the other half was devoted to coming up with as many reasons as possible why Leah hated him. He couldn’t stop glancing at her as he tried not to feel too nervous. She was wearing a pair of jeans and casual green blouse, and her green-brown eyes gazed out of the window with a slight frown. He tried to think of something he could say to her that would hide his anxiety, but then again, she always seemed to read what people were feeling or thinking on their faces. As he glanced at her again, he saw her push the button on the passenger door to roll the window down. “The windows don’t work,” he said quietly. “Remember?” She gave him a fleeting smile. “Right, I forgot.” There was a silence. Joshua furiously fought with his shyness, placing both of his hands on the steering wheel. “Are you okay?” he finally managed to ask, hoping dearly that she wasn’t mad at him for some reason. “Uhhhh…” Leah responded. She looked down at the window button on her door. It was the first time he’d ever seen her be uncertain about anything. After a pause, she took a deep breath and looked upwards. “How do I put this…” “Did I do something?” he asked. “What? No!” Leah responded with an amused look, adding jokingly, “not everything’s about you, Joshie.” But her smile vanished quickly. She bit her lips in an expression that could’ve almost been shy, staring at the road ahead of them. Then she closed her eyes with a look of resignation. “Screw it,” she muttered. She opened her eyes and stared at the roof of the car. “Joshua, I really have to fart.” Joshua’s eyes widened. What she’d said was so unexpected that he completely forgot to feel relieved that she wasn’t mad at him. Instead, he felt… something else. He realized he wasn’t exactly sure what he was feeling, he only knew that there was something strangely interesting about the idea of Leah farting, right next to him. She was flawless, everything she said and did was so smooth, and yet here she was, divulging to him her shameful predicament… vulnerable… “I have to fart really bad,” she continued. “And I’m really sorry, but I don’t think I can hold it in.” “Oh,” he said, still at a loss for what to say. “Uh… are you okay?” Leah chuckled darkly. “Oh, I’ll be fine. But you’re trapped in a car with me, and things are about to get really nasty here in a sec.” Joshua was feeling quite strange. His heart was racing, and his face was warm. He found it impossible to look at her. He suddenly remembered how she’d looked naked at the end of their previous date, the shape of her nude breasts, and how they’d felt pressing against his chest. He remembered what her nude butt had looked like as she stepped out of her underwear. He remembered the noises she’d made has he fucked her, and he remembered the feeling of her sex. Then he found himself thinking about her butt again, about the way it moved while she walked, about the way it felt in his hand as he squeezed it while she pressed herself against him at the end of their previous date. Leah had an incredible butt, but he’d never thought about how amazing it was until now, so round, so firm, and her hips were just so sexy… An image of her face appeared in his mind, her expressive face which made any smile or frown more beautiful and interesting than it had any right to be, and then he imagined her farting. His manhood stirred with arousal. Joshua’s eyes widened with surprise, and he gripped his steering wheel tighter. “You’re okay with that, right?” Leah continued. “I’m warning you, they’ll be stinky. But I don’t think it’s anything you can’t handle.” He looked at her. All traces of shyness seemed to be gone, and she was giving him one of her smiles, one of the wonderful evil ones. For some reason, this made his cock twitch again. “You’re gonna fart? Right now?” He chuckled a little, trying to ignore the feelings rushing through his body. “It’s the Mexican food,” Leah said, placing her hand on her stomach. “Mexican food always wrecks me. I knew it was a bad idea for me to go there with you, but I thought I’d be able to take it…” Joshua stared through the windshield. For some reason, he kept imagining Leah’s butt. He remembered how Leah’s butt had looked in the jeans she was wearing now, how her butt had looked in the leggings she’d worn on their previous date, and how her butt had looked naked. It was as if his brain was playing a slideshow of Leah’s butt, and he’d never appreciated how beautiful her butt was, so perfect and so round, with her hips and her legs. Her butt wasn’t the biggest, but it was still kind of big for her size, with the perfect shape. And Leah was so good at getting under his skin in all the right ways, she always seemed to know the exact words to say to make his face hot and his cock hard. Just her smile was enough to make him nervous, and he imagined her smiling at him while she farted with her firm, soft, round buttcheeks… “Josh?” Leah asked. “Are you okay?” “Huh?” he grunted, blinking as he brought himself to the present. “Are you okay?” she repeated. He saw that she was frowning at him. “Am I grossing you out? I haven’t even started farting yet…” “Oh, uh… I’m fine-” “If I could hold it in, I would, I promise,” she interrupted. She chuckled, rolling her eyes. “But God, my stomach’s killing me, you have no idea…” “Don’t even worry about it, do whatever you need to do to be comfortable.” “Such a gentleman,” Leah said teasingly. “But you might regret those words once I start blasting off… okay, here I go…” He couldn’t not look. He glanced over to see her lift herself off of her seat, concentration in her stunning dark green eyes. He looked down at the profile of her butt encased in those tight jeans, and then up at her face again, at which point he realized she was gazing at him with a wide eyed look. “Are you going to watch?” she asked incredulously, raising her eyebrows. “Oh, sorry,” he said without thinking, turning to look at the road. “Weirdo,” Leah giggled, and then it happened. BAARRRRUURRRRRRRT The sound was way more powerful than he’d expected. For the few seconds during which that crass, rumbling sound rang through the car, it felt like every organ in Joshua’s body had stopped, frozen in time. The strange feeling filling his chest increased as he listened to the harsh sound. Then, before he knew it, Leah’s fart ended, and he heard her collapse into her seat with a sigh. “That was a mean one,” she said, and for some reason, his cock stirred again as he heard a note of laughter in her voice. “It’s all in the past,” Joshua said, trying to look relaxed as he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. Leah snorted with laughter. “Believe me Joshie, this is far from over.” He glanced at her, and saw that she was giving him an apologetic smile, rubbing her stomach. He quickly looked away, wondering why his cock was doing what it was doing. “You have more?” he asked her in disbelief. “I think it’s the beans,” she said thoughtfully. “It gets worse when they’re refried, for some reason. I feel like I’m filled with air.” She suddenly wrinkled her nose and waved her hand in front of her face. “Ugh, wait until you smell this!” As soon as she said that, he smelled it. It assaulted him all at once. The stench of Leah’s fart reminded him of the refried beans in the burritos they’d eaten, warm and savory, except her fart had an added sinister element, something that repulsed him and yet fascinated him. “Oh, that stinks!” Leah continued, laughing with her hand covering her nose. It did stink, as it was a fart, and farts stink. Joshua knew that. But for some reason he had to resist an urge to sniff the air, especially when he saw the laughter in Leah’s beautiful face. “I hope you don’t turn this car into a swamp,” he said, trying to joke along. “It’s not my fault your windows don’t work,” Leah sniggered. “Well, we’ll reach the exit for my place soon-” Joshua began. But Leah unleashed a bassy rumble of a fart against her seat. BRRRUURRRPPT “I’m definitely going to need to use your bathroom,” she laughed. It was the sound of her fart followed by the sound of her laughter that did it. Joshua’s cock started swelling in earnest, growing hard as he breathed in the fumes Leah had released, filled with confusion. Next to Joshua, Leah pulled her leg in, placing her foot on the seat, and screwed up her face. PPPLLLLRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTT “Ahhhhhhhhhhh…” she sighed with a grin. It was her longest fart yet. Joshua was now rock hard, despite how hard he was trying to calm down. “How is it someone so small can make a sound like that?” he joked, trying to act normal as his cock throbbed against his clothes. “It’s not me, it’s the Mexican food!” Leah cried a little sheepishly. “I’m never taking you for Mexican again,” he said, shaking his head. “Wise decision. Sorry to bring us to the farting stage of our relationship so early.” “And so brutally!” “Oh shut up,” Leah teased. “It’s not my fault your car’s got crappy windows!” “It’s not my fault you can’t eat beans!” Leah retorted with another fart. FFFFLLLAAARRRPPPBBBRRRTTT Oh my God, Joshua mouthed to himself, turning away from her. Her farts sounded disgustingly powerful. The length and richness of this latest one seemed to defy reason: especially when he thought about how it was Leah who produced it. “Holy shit,” she sighed after her fart finished. “Fuck me, that one was warm.” It smelled evil. He imagined the vapors of Leah’s fart swirling around his head, and started feeling panicked. He was finally realizing what the strange feeling he’d been feeling was: he was turned on. He was incredibly turned on, more than he was at the end of their last date, more than he could ever remember being. Something about Leah, with her pretty face and her pretty butt, farting like that while he was trapped in a car with her was driving him crazy, especially because she didn’t seem to really care, she seemed to find it mildly amusing… He saw that they were approaching his exit and flicked at a lever by the steering wheel, signaling his lane change. “You’re going to have to lock me in your bathroom,” Leah chuckled, “or else I’m going to nuke your entire apartment.” When Joshua didn’t say anything, Leah glanced at him. She watched him stare straight ahead, his lips pressed together, and saw that his eyes were wide with a faint look of terror. She recognized the look: it was the same look he’d had when she’d started hinting that she wanted to have sex on their previous date. Joshua was convinced that if he looked at Leah his heart would explode, especially if she happened to be smiling one of her smiles while his nose was full of the stench of her gas. So he just stared through the windshield, and didn’t see Leah’s inquisitive gaze slide down from his face to his pants. She spotted the bulge in his pants and quickly looked away with a faint frown of surprise. After a few moments, she looked at his pants again, and her frown started to vanish as her eyes narrowed. Joshua took his exit, pulling off of the freeway. As he did, he noticed that Leah had gone quiet. He glanced at her, and saw her staring off into the distance, her face blank. But just before he looked away, he saw her green eyes dart back towards his crotch. He looked at the road, feeling his heart drop to the core of the planet Earth. He slowed to a stop in front of a red light, staring through the windshield at nothing. After a few seconds, he risked a glance at Leah again. She was still staring at his boner. As he looked at her, her dark green eyes left his pants and met his. He immediately looked away and tugged his t-shirt over his lap. He had no idea what to do. Feeling extremely hot, he looked at Leah again. She made a big show of looking down at his pants and then looking up into his eyes. He looked away again, wishing he would get sucked into the air conditioner vents and never be seen again. “Hey, Josh,” Leah said casually. “What’s up?” he replied innocently. “There’s… I think there’s something in your pants? I dunno… there’s like a bulge… or something…” He could hear her holding back laughter as she spoke. He took a deep breath, trying not to lose himself to the panic. “Oh… uh… I don’t know what you’re-” “No, no, there’s definitely something in your pants,” she interrupted. “What is that? Are you… are you hard?” She was teasing him. He could hear it when she talked, that beautiful beautiful teasing quality in her voice. But she had no idea. He didn’t know what to do, how could he tell her? What could he tell her? He didn’t even understand why he was turned on himself. “The light’s green,” Leah said after a pause. He started driving again, trying to focus on the road and not at how close Leah was to him, not on her incredible butt and the filthy sounds it had produced… “So, what’s got you all worked up?” Leah asked mercilessly. “I-I’m not-” he stammered. “Stop tugging at your shirt!” she interrupted. “You know I can see your boner, right? Are you trying to hide it from me?” She dropped her voice to a whisper. “I’ve already seen you naked, remember?” He couldn’t think of anything to say. BRRRRT A small fart burst out of Leah, and she grunted softly with relief. He glanced at her, and immediately regretted it: the sight of her sitting there while her farts filled his nose was enough to make his cock feel like it was going to burst through his pants. “You look so uncomfortable,” Leah chuckled. “There’s something you’re not telling me, and I’m gonna figure out what it is. Is it my farts? Do my farts turn you on?” He automatically looked at her, horror making his skin feel very hot and very cold at the same time. She was watching the buildings go by with laughter in her eyes. He turned and stared straight ahead, gulping. There was a silence. Leah looked at him, and her eyes grew wide. “Wait!” she cried. “Wait, I was joking! Wait, Joshua! Is this really turning you on? The farts?” “What?” Joshua scoffed. “No way! What are you talking about?” “Joshua!” “I don’t know how you feel about your farts, but I guarantee they’re not that special!” “Oh my God!” Leah laughed. “I was worried you’d be grossed out! My farts turn you on?” “Oh yeah, Leah,” he said, hoping sarcasm would save him, “nothing sexier than your farts, making my car smell like shit…” There was a silence as he pulled up to another red light. He looked over at her. She was giving him a sideways look, her eyes narrow. He quickly looked away. BRRRRAAAAAPP The fart was a little higher pitched than all the others, but it was just as gross sounding. As the fart ended, he heard an evil giggle. He looked at her again. She was staring at him with a smile that made his entire body ache for her touch. His cock pushed out against his pants as he remembered the way she’d moaned into his ear at the end of their previous date. As he stared at her, she released another fart. BLLLOORRFFFF Her smile grew and her eyes narrowed, and she giggled evilly again. Oh no, Joshua thought, looking away. Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no. The light turned green, and as he started driving again, thinking about how lucky he was to be dating her and how he absolutely couldn’t afford to have her know about the strange feelings he was experiencing, he suddenly realized what he needed to say to save himself. “Leah, your farts don’t turn me on,” he said. “You do. You’re so hot, but not like the normal kind of hot. You… you turn me on just by existing, and I just don’t know how to tell you that without sounding stupid.” He glanced towards her, hopeful. She was staring ahead of her with her eyebrows raised. He didn’t know what that look meant. “Does that make sense?” he asked tentatively. He glanced at her again. She was looking at her knees, smiling to herself. There was a silence as they pulled up to another red light. “Let’s go to my place,” she said suddenly. “What?” he said, frowning. “Let’s go to my place,” she repeated. “Your place? But why? I thought we were going to watch Netflix at my place?” He gestured at the road. “We’re like five minutes away. You don’t have a TV.” “Does your friend still sleep on your couch?” she asked. “Yeah…” he replied, frowning. “He’s looking for a place-” “And he’s there, at your apartment, right now?” “...yeah, I guess-” “Josh.” He looked at her and almost cried. It wasn’t fair. It just wasn’t fair, the things she could do with her face. Her gaze seemed to peer right into his head, looking at all of the thoughts he was hiding from her, examining all the feelings he didn’t want her to know about. “We’re going to my place.” “Okay,” he replied meekly. There wasn’t much he could do when she looked at him like that. When the light turned green, he turned, making his way back towards the freeway. It was a difficult drive for Joshua. Part of him wanted to jump out of the car and run as far away as possible, and another part of him wanted to launch himself at Leah and kiss and touch every inch of her that he could, but he could do neither, because he was driving. He couldn’t stop thinking about her as he drove. Thoughts about her lips, her laugh, her breasts, her butt, her legs, her hair, and generally everything else about her swirled around in his head. And she wouldn’t stop farting. Joshua hoped that he’d convinced her he wasn’t turned on by her gas, but he couldn’t help but worry about the small smile she wore as she sat next to him in the car. He couldn’t think of anything to say to her, and she just sat there silently, so the car ride was quiet besides the occasional explosion of a fart followed by a grunt or sigh from Leah. With every minute that passed, he became more and more nervous. He couldn’t stop glancing at her, and gripped the steering wheel very tightly whenever she farted. By the time he was pulling into the parking lot of her apartment complex, he was almost sweating. Neither of them had said a word since Leah had told him to drive to her apartment. The inside of Joshua’s car smelled downright horrible, and still Leah sat next to him wearing that tiny smile on her face that he couldn’t figure out. He parked the car and turned the engine off. Hoping he didn’t look as nervous as he felt, he looked at Leah. She looked back at him, and the expressive nature of her face made the mischievous glint in her dark green eyes more charming than should have been allowed, in Joshua’s opinion. “What?” he said. She closed one of her eyes. BBBBLLLLAAARRRRRFFFFFF It was a fart of many tones: starting off with a bubbling rumble, transitioning to a trumpet-like expulsion before finishing with a sickly hiss. She started laughing when it ended, a sound that was as beautiful as her fart had been horrific. “Alright, I’m getting out,” Joshua muttered. Despite the feelings in his chest and crotch begging him to stay put, he quickly unfastened his seatbelt and opened his door. “Joshie!” he heard Leah call out, that teasing inflection in her voice, but he stepped out of his car and closed his door. A second later, Leah was stepping out of the passenger side, still chuckling. She closed the door and then marched around the car towards him. “I was talking to you,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’m not going to sit there while you hotbox my car with your farts,” Joshua responded, “because you think I like them, or whatever. Hmph. So gross.” “Hotbox!” Leah repeated, giggling. He started walking towards the entrance of her apartment building, refusing to look at her. “Oh yeah, you hate my farts,” she said sarcastically, following him. “You hate how stinky they are, how loud and nasty…” he sped up, and she had to jog to catch up with him, clutching at the strap of her purse over her shoulder with a giggle. “You can’t stand me ripping ass right next to you, you totally weren’t sitting next to me during that whole car ride with a fat boner, you totally don’t want to sniff-” They had walked into the lobby, and Leah went quiet as they passed by somebody taking out their trash. He could practically feel her looking at him as he headed towards the elevators. He heard her quite little footsteps behind him and felt a surge of excitement, his cock pushing desperately against his pants, as he realized how close she was to him. He stopped in front of the elevators and pressed the “up” button. She stopped next to him. For a few moments, he just stood there. He wanted to look at her, and he could still feel her staring at him, but he was afraid that if he did, she would see what he was trying to hide from her written all over his face, which was that he desperately wanted to be between her legs. She bumped her hips against his. He looked over at her, stepping sideways away from her. She was grinning at him. As he looked at her, she stepped closer and bumped her hips against his again. “What?” he said. “What?” she snickered. The elevator doors slid open. With a sigh, Joshua turned away from her and stepped inside. She followed behind him. “Maybe we should wait for that person who was taking out the trash-” Joshua began hopefully, since he had a bad feeling about the grin Leah was still wearing. But Leah was already mashing the close button, and the doors slowly slid shut. “Too late,” she said, looking at him. There was a titillating edge to her voice, just as there had been at the end of their previous date when she’d teased him about being over-excited. “Looks like it’s just you and me.” Joshua rolled his eyes with another sigh, but he was having increasing difficulty hiding how turned on he was. His arousal had a new intensity that he’d never felt before, an intensity that made it hard to think, and hard not to look at Leah’s lips, or those perfectly shaped breasts of hers pushing out against her blouse, or the way her ass bulged out against her jeans. And when he thought about her ass, he thought about the raunchy sounds of her farts and the way she laughed when she farted… “Hey Josh,” Leah said as the elevator started moving upwards. She was facing him with her hands clasped in front of her, standing in a deceptively casual pose. Her piercing brown-green eyes glowed with the look of intelligence that he found so attractive about her, and her lips were curved into a tiny smile. For a second, she just looked at him. Then she walked right up to him, stopping so that their bodies were almost touching, her nose almost touching the side of his face. “I’m gonna fart,” she murmured, wearing the most evil smirk in existence. “Stop doing that, it doesn’t turn me on…” he muttered half-heartedly, but he knew it was no use. “Aww, are you scared?” Leah crooned as he moved away from her. She moved closer again, crowding him into the back corner of the elevator. “It’s gonna be so smelly. You don’t want to smell my stinky fart, is that right? Just to be clear, you don’t want me to fart, right?” She turned herself around so that her back was to him, smiling at him over her shoulder, and Joshua really had no choice. He had to look down at her butt, because she was the sexiest person in existence, and she was striking a pose that made his blood boil with desire; her feet spread apart and her hips pushed back at him. Even as he stood behind her, under threat of another burst of her gas, he had to admit that her butt really was fantastic. It wasn’t necessarily huge, but it was round in all the right ways, with her jeans hinting at the irresistible shape of her buttcheeks, from between which one of those horrid noises he’d heard in the car would be coming… “Oh God,” he groaned to himself as his cock gave a mighty throb. “I’m gonna get ya!” Leah cried, and she shuffled backwards, that incredible butt closing in on its prey. He tried to get away, but she danced from side to side, blocking off his escape and laughing as she looked over her shoulder, aiming her butt at him. “I’m gonna get ya!” It was so immature. Annoying, really. Leah was acting like a girl in kindergarten, chasing boys with her cooties. She was threatening to fart on him, physically on him. And she was actually laughing at him. It was obnoxious. Or at least, it should have been, but all Joshua felt as his date trapped in him the corner of the elevator was an overwhelming need to fuck her. He’d never wanted anything so bad. His face was burning, and he knew he must be visibly blushing. His cock was about to explode in his pants, aching almost painfully as precum leaked into his underwear, and his heart was racing. His skin was tingling as if it could sense how close Leah was. As he stared into her laughing face, he remembered what her lips had felt like, what her moans had sounded like, what her legs had felt like wrapped around his, and what it had felt like to erupt inside of her, his cock twitching violently as if it was trying to impregnate her through the condom. He also remembered the way the sounds of her farts had cut through the silence in his car, and the way her smell had filled it, and the way she’d laughed. For some reason, these memories all had the exact same effect on him. Leah’s giggle of excitement was like music to his ears as she finally succeeded in pinning him in the corner. Before he knew it, she was pressing herself against him, warm and wonderful, and his aching throbbing erection was being smothered by her ass. Her hindquarters, soft but firm at the same time, sent a wave of feelings through Joshua, and he couldn’t tell if he loved or hated them. “Gotcha,” Leah whispered. He might have made a noise at that point, but he wasn’t sure. Then, as if pressing herself against him wasn’t enough, Leah started moving her hips, rubbing her butt against his erection. He definitely made a noise as he placed his hands on her waist and slid them down to her hips. It felt so good to have Leah’s butt rubbing against his boner, but it wasn’t enough. He’d never needed anything more. She grunted softly, and he felt her butt move slightly as it pushed against his erection. BRRRRRUUUOOORRRRRRRRRPPP Joshua was surprised he didn’t black out. The fart that sprayed against his hardened cock sounded so powerful, so dense, that he was surprised that he managed to keep himself upright, leaning against the elevator walls. He felt the vibrations of her fart as her butt pushed against his erection, and he felt his underwear grow wetter as his desperate cock leaked even more precum. “Oh that one was nasty,” Leah said, wrinkling her nose as she waved her hand in front of her face. “Yeah, I can definitely see why you aren’t turned on by this, it’s so gross. I can’t imagine anyone being turned on by me farting on them…” She playfully rubbed her butt against him, causing him to gasp, and then released another shorter fart. BRRRRP “You… you’re the worst…” Joshua managed. The stench of burned beans filled his nose and mouth. The stench had a moistness to it, which should have been traumatizing, but he couldn’t stop sniffing the fart-tainted air. He wrapped one arm around her stomach and the other around her chest, feeling the warmth and softness of her breasts. She rubbed herself against him again, but it was less playful: she moved slowly, sensually. Then the elevator slowed down. Leah tore herself away from him, and Joshua made a noise somewhere between a moan and a sigh, feeling weak. She looked over her shoulder again, and he stared into her eyes, enchanted by the way she always seemed to look like she knew exactly what he was thinking and feeling. Every breath brought a new wave of her farts’ stench. The elevator doors opened, and Leah broke eye contact, clearing her throat. She adjusted the strap of her purse and then walked out of the elevator. Joshua followed her down the hallway to her apartment. Her butt had this little wiggle to it when she walked, and it was so hot it almost made him mad. She was walking fast, causing locks of her dirty blonde hair to sway tantalizingly. She suddenly stopped and he realized they’d reached her door. Silently, she started fishing through her purse for her keys. Standing next to her, Joshua watched, his eyes on her face. He desperately wanted her to know what he was feeling, what she was doing to him, but he couldn’t find the words. Half of him was convinced he could still smell the farts she’d released in the elevator. Leah fumbled with the keys as she tried to quickly open her door. After a few moments, the lock turned with a click, and his heart jumped as her eyes met his. “After you,” she said politely, pushing the door open. Joshua stepped into a small, cramped entrance hallway. It vaguely smelled like Leah, like her hair. His cock throbbed as her body brushed against his back as she stepped into the apartment behind him, turning to close the door. “Sorry,” she muttered. He turned to look at her. She was hastily taking off her shoes, one of her hands against the wall. Her hair swung in front of her face, hiding her green eyes from view. He started stepping out of his shoes as well, wondering how on earth he was supposed to tell her that he wanted to touch her. Leah straightened up, grabbing something out of her purse before she tossed it to the ground. She nudged her shoes to the side, wearing striped grey and black socks, and looked up at Joshua. He realized he was staring at her lips, and looked into her eyes instead. “Leah, I-” he began, taking a step towards her. She flung herself at him, throwing her arms around his neck, and her mouth clumsily pressed against his. He stumbled backwards and his back hit the wall. “Sorry,” she murmured against his mouth. “It’s fine,” he said breathlessly, and he was painfully aware of her breasts pressing against his chest and her lips moving over his as she kissed him, her hand sliding over his head. He kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her waist, and she started kissing him even harder. Her mouth was doing things to him he never thought possible. Every time her lips briefly disconnected from his only to kiss him even more furiously a split-second later, every time he felt her teeth playfully nip against his lips, and every time her hands caressed his head or his back, his heart leapt in his chest and his cock throbbed in his pants. Her pelvis was pressing against him now. Her leg started to wrap around his, and her body started to move against his, keeping him firmly pinned against the wall. He moaned into her mouth as she moved against his erection, and she paused her kissing just long enough to give him a giggle. Then she was kissing him again, furiously, needily, the soft feeling of her lips intoxicating him. He felt her hands traveling downwards over his body. One of them pressed itself against his palm, and he felt her push a wrapped condom into his hand. The other found his erection, and he felt her lips smile against his as she held his bulge in her palm. He groaned, and she pulled away. He took the condom, breathing heavily, and her hands went to his belt, quickly unbuckling it. He placed his hand on Leah’s shoulder, amazed that she was real, as she unbuttoned his pants and started sliding the zipper down. She glanced up at him and gave him a quick kiss, and then she was pulling his pants and underwear down, and next thing he knew his cock was exposed, rock hard and twitching, the tip glistening with moisture. He sighed as her hand wrapped around it. “Seesh, you’re hard.” Her hand slowly started moving, sending frustrating waves of pleasure through his body as she stroked him. Her fingers felt cool against his cock. He looked at her face as she stared into his. He could look at her face all day. He raised his hand and brushed her dark blonde hair behind her ear, looking at her mouth. Her soft lips were parted slightly, and there was just the tiniest hint of a smile. He kissed her, and took savage pleasure in the warmth, softness, and taste of her mouth as he pushed her across the hallway, up against the opposite wall. He then pulled away and started opening the condom wrapper. Inches away from him, their noses almost touching, Leah furiously started taking off her pants. He hungrily looked at her curvy hips as her jeans slid down them, followed quickly by her faded pink underwear, traveling down her shapely thighs. He finished putting the condom on, and she tilted her face up to his to kiss him again, her hand wrapping around his cock again. She started stroking him as she broke the kiss and brushed the side of her face against his. “Josh-” He interrupted her with another kiss, addicted to the feel of her lips. It was a few seconds before he could make himself pull away and look into her face. She was blushing a little. Her lips were parted in a faint smile, slightly moist from the kissing. Her dark green eyes gazed into his, as captivating as ever. Her face made every facial expression impossible to look away from, and he wished he could kiss every inch of it at once. She was so beautiful, in such an arousing and frustrating way. She was so fun to be around but also so intimidating. She was so hot. She was so… “...naughty,” he muttered. “What?” she said quietly, raising her eyebrows. “You’re so naughty,” he growled. He grabbed one of her boobs through her shirt, feeling its weight and warmth fill up his palm. For a moment, she looked surprised, but then she smiled one of those evil smiles she was so good at. “Yeah, I am,” she said quietly. “I’m a dirty girl, and you love it. You love my farts filling up your car. You love being trapped in the elevator with me while I fart against your dick.” She started stroking his cock again, her hand moving purposefully, and pressed the side of her face against his, her mouth near his ear. “Don’t try to deny it, Josh.” He could hear the smile in her voice as she whispered to him. “If I ask you if you like my dirty burrito farts, you say yes, like the fart sniffing perv you are. Don’t lie to me.” He groaned with frustration, and removed his hand from her tit, reaching downwards. His fingers moved between her legs, brushing against her thigh, and she immediately spread her legs slightly, one of her legs beginning to wrap around his again. His hands found her pussy. Her pussy lips were warm to the touch, and soft, so incredibly soft. Her pubes brushed against his palm as his fingers felt her petals, gently rubbing against them. She was wet, practically dripping to the floor, and his fingers were immediately coated in her arousal. She mewled into his ear. Her grip on his cock tightened as she continued stroking him. “Can I-” he started saying, breathing in the scent of her hair as he felt her sex. “Yes,” she interrupted. She removed her hand from his cock as he grabbed it and lined it up with her pussy. Her legs wrapped around him and she grabbed his shoulders, practically climbing up on him. His body pressed hers against the wall as he pushed the tip of his cock against her entrance. “Slowly,” she breathed, her eyes almost closed. “Okay,” he murmured back. His heart danced in his chest as, as slowly as he could, he pushed himself inside of her. Even through the condom, the feeling of her warm vagina enveloping his aching cock made him moan. Her insides were tight, and rubbed against his erection in all the right ways as she moaned back, her voice soft in his ear, her fingers digging into his shoulders. He placed his hands on her waist as he finally pushed himself all the way inside of her. It took everything in him to keep standing. “Josh,” Leah whispered. “Josh, look at me.” She pressed her hands against his chest, and he leaned back, looking at her. Her legs wrapped tighter around him as if to ensure that he’d remain inside of her, and her dark green eyes danced back and forth between his. He could feel her pussy twitching around his cock. There was a couple of seconds of silence. Then her gaze left his, becoming unfocused, and her eyelids lowered over her eyes. She wrinkled her nose a little. He felt her pussy squeeze his cock. BLLLRRRRRRRRRRRTT It was just as powerful and disgusting as her farts in the car had been. When it ended, she locked eyes with him, her face relaxing into a huge smile. “There it is,” she exhaled. She giggled a little, placing her hands on his shoulders again. “That was so nasty, but I guess you like that, huh?” “Really Leah?” said, giving her a pained look. “Aww, do my farts make your cock hard?” she crooned, her pussy twitching around his cock again. “If I’d known you wanted to sniff up my farts, I wouldn’t have ever held them in…” “Are you ever going to stop teasing me?” he asked her. She placed her hands on the sides of his face and earnestly shook her head. “Why would I?” she replied, her smile growing larger and even more beautiful. “You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed.” “Good to know,” he growled. He tried to sound sarcastic, but Leah’s pussy felt too good clamped around his cock, and it was becoming difficult for him to speak. He moved his hips, pulling himself out of her a little before immediately thrusting himself back in. She gasped, her eyes widening and her lips parting. Slowly, he started fucking her. She wrapped her arms around him while her legs remained wrapped around his hips, pulling him into her, and the side of her face brushed against the side of his. “Don’t know… why you want… me to stop teasing…” Leah muttered into his ear in between thrusts. “You love it… when I tease you. You love it when I… fart…” As he thrust into her, grabbing her plump breast through her shirt, another fart exploded out of her, her pussy squeezing his cock again as her ass sang against the wall. SSSPPBBRRAAAPP “Oops,” she giggled into his ear, “slipped out…” “Alright, that’s it,” he said, leaning away from her again with his hands against her shoulders. “Turn around.” “Oh, you’re telling me what to do now?” she said, raising her eyebrows. But she unwrapped her legs from his hips, allowing him to pull himself out of her, and then turned around so that her back was to him, placing her hands on the wall. “Who knew all I had to do to get you out of your shell was fart?” she said. Her hips moved away from the wall, her feet shuffling backwards, and her bare buttcheeks pressed against his boner, causing tingles of pleasure to wash over his body. She smirked at him over her shoulder. “I guess everyone has their Achilles heel, and yours is my stinky ass.” He grabbed his cock, pressing his tip against her entrance, mesmerized simultaneously by the way her smirk made her face look evil and cute at the same time and her round firm butt, jutting out at him. “Wait!” she said. He froze, staring at her, worried that he’d done something wrong. But then he noticed the look of concentration on her face. BBVVRRRRLLOOORRRPP “Ahhhhh,” she sighed. “Goddammit,” he groaned. She started laughing out loud as she looked back at him, her soft pussy lips rubbing against the tip of his penis through the thin condom as her shoulders shook. The smell of her hair the apartment hallway originally had was starting to be replaced by the smell of her farts. Joshua was unable to stop himself from sniffing, trying to get as much of the thick steamy scent into his nostrils as possible. “God, I love doing that to you!” Leah giggled. Joshua pushed himself forwards. His cock slid into Leah’s pussy way easier this time, and her plump buttcheeks shivered as his body slammed against her ass. She grunted as her chest and the side of her face were pressed against the wall, and then pushed herself backwards with her hands, her backside pressing firmly against him as his cock throbbed inside of her. “Fuck, you feel so good,” he sighed. “So do you,” she replied. She pushed herself back against him as he started fucking her, her nude round butt trembling every time his hips thudded against her. He plunged his cock as deep inside of her as he could again and again, and every time his cock was shoved into Leah’s wet pussy he felt a deep and undeniable pleasure building in his body, pleasure that made his arms and legs feel weak and made him think that he could never stop fucking her. He couldn’t believe how amazing she felt. He could see that same pleasure in her face as she pushed herself against him, her head turned to the side. Her gorgeous eyes were glazed over, barely open, and there was a silly looking smile tugging on the corners of her mouth that her face somehow managed to make look sexy. But even as he fucked her in the entrance hallway of her apartment, causing suppressed whimpers of pleasure to escape her lips while her breasts bounced under her shirt, she didn’t seem to be done teasing him. BBLLLVVVAAAARRRRPP “Shit,” she panted, her ass jiggling with Joshua’s motions as she farted, “There goes…another one...” The sounds of Leah’s bare ass slapping against his body rang through the hallway as he started pounding her harder. Her mouth dropped open, her eyes squeezed shut with pleasure. He reached around her body and grabbed one of her breasts, feeling it wobble in his palm as he fucked her as hard as he could. “Leah, I’m so… into you…” he grunted, completely unaware of what he was saying, lost in the sensations of her pussy and the sight of her body and face in front of him. “Fuck, your ass…” “Mmmmmmm…” Leah moaned softly, biting her lip. “Keep talking, Josh…” He was grunting with every thrust now, his entire body feeling very hot. He could sense his orgasm building deep inside of him as his cock ached and throbbed inside her pussy. “Your face-your eyes drive me crazy…” he panted, pumping his cock as deep inside of her as he could. “You’re so fucking hot… why are you so fucking hot…” Leah twisted herself around to look at him as he fucked her, her hands firmly pressed against the wall, her dark green eyes peering at him through a haze of pleasure. “Tell me… tell me what you told me in the car…” she managed, a desperate whine in her voice. “...about how I turn you on…” “Something about you… makes me so horny, all the time. It isn’t-fuck… it isn’t fair… You turn me on just by existing. Your… your voice, your smile… the way you… you talk to me…” It was difficult for Joshua to string together a sentence at this point, but he tried his best. It appeared to be enough though, for Leah turned away, biting her lip, her face glowing with pleasure. “Oh Joshie…” she whined. “Keep going…” “I love being with you, Leah,” he told her, ramming himself inside of her as hard as possible, causing her entire body to jolt with every thrust. “I just love listening to you talk… ever since I first met you I couldn’t stop thinking about you…” BRRRT A short fart escaped from her as he pounded her. “And your farts…” he groaned, “something about your farts is so hot…” “Oh yes…” Leah responded breathlessly, her feet shuffling against the ground as she tried to push herself against him as hard as she could. “Yeah, you like my farts…” “I love your farts…” he said. “I don’t know why…” “Mmmmm, they’re so nasty, aren’t they?” Leah panted. Joshua was concentrating as hard as he could on not cumming. He could tell by Leah’s staggered breathing and the way she desperately pushed herself backwards that she was close, but that only made him want to cum even more. “They’re so gross,” he grunted, “and so loud, but I don’t know… you just make it so hot…” Leah let out a moan. Her legs trembled. He sped up his motions, his hand squeezing her warm plump breast as he fucked her as fast as he could, and she let out a tiny squeak of pleasure every time his hips slammed against her buttcheeks. “Everything about you is so hot…” he continued, “even your farts. I love it when you fart, Leah. You’re so amazing… I’d spend all day just sniffing your naughty farting ass, and it would make me so fucking hard… I want to-” But suddenly, Leah let out a weak moan, and every muscle in her body seemed to tense up as she pressed herself back against him harder than ever, pushing herself up onto her tiptoes. For a moment, she remained frozen, her mouth open, her body rocking with his motions. Then her body shuddered forcefully and she almost collapsed. Joshua wrapped his arm around her chest, holding her up the best that he could, humping her as hard as he could. Every time his cock forced itself into her cumming pussy, she let out a wild noise of pleasure, the side of her face pressed against the wall. He could feel her pussy spasming around his cock as her body twitched and shook, bent forwards as he tried to hold her up, her soft plump breasts pressing against his arm and hand. Eventually, Leah started catching her breath. She pushed against the wall again, recovering herself, a smile of bliss mixed with ecstasy on her face as she pushed her hips backwards again. “Your turn, Joshie,” she panted. She placed her hand on his, pressing it against her breast. “Come on… I saw that boner in the car… I know how much you want to cum…” Joshua grunted wildly as he thrust his cock in and out of her with everything he had, feeling his brain melting in his skull. He rested his face on her shoulder as he felt himself go over the edge, mind numbing tingles of pleasure spreading through his body. Leah’s entire body jolted forwards as he slammed himself against her as hard as he could, feeling her wonderful soft buttcheeks squished against his body as her pussy overwhelmed his rock hard cock with it’s warmth and tightness. He groaned as his cock exploded, twitching madly inside of her, his heart vibrating in his chest as his orgasm reached its peak. He forgot where he was for a moment, lost in the feelings of pleasure and relief sweeping through him. Leah purred happily, swaying her hips from side to side, causing her pussy to move around his ejaculating cock. He wrapped his arms around her, groaning again and again, wishing he could hold her against him forever. It was like fireworks were going off in his crotch and his brain. It was the longest orgasm he could remember, and he collapsed against her, gasping and moaning as he panted with his arms wrapped around her, his legs trembling as his hips twitched weakly against her ass. Eventually, the electrifying feelings of pleasure started to pass, and he straightened up, trying to recover his breath. He pulled his still stiff cock out of Leah’s dripping pussy and pressed it in between her buttcheeks as it jumped and twitched, still pumping out the last of his seed into the condom. Leah watched him over her shoulder for a few moments, slowly grinding her ass against his cock. Then she finally straightened up too, and turned to face him. She leaned against the wall, and he staggered back to lean against the opposite wall. As he looked up at her, he saw her watching him with a warm smile on her face. “That was awesome,” he sighed, running his hand through his hair. “Yeah, it was pretty great,” Leah said, her grin growing wider. They looked at each other. Joshua didn’t really know what to say. “Josh,” Leah said, “next time I do something that turns you on, you know what to do, right?” He blinked at her. She moved away from the wall, taking a step towards him. “You just tell me,” she said. “Okay?” He nodded, looking down at the floor. Suddenly, he felt her fingers touch his hand. “Hey,” she said softly, moving closer to him, “I know it’s embarrassing. But it’s okay, I promise. And besides,” she held his hands in hers, her fingers interlocking with his, “that’s what makes it so fun!” He closed his eyes as he felt her nose brush against his. Her hands traveled up his arms as she kissed him, and he wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her breasts pressed against his chest, soft and warm, and her soft lips lovingly explored his. Before he knew it, his cock stirred against her thigh, still wearing the condom. He felt her lips curl into a smile before she pulled away. “Uh oh,” she said. She glanced down at his cock, watching it twitch slightly as it swelled against her leg, and then looked up at him again. “Do you have another condom with you, by any chance?” “Yeah, actually,” he responded breathlessly. “Uh… where’s your bedroom?” Leah grinned widely. “That’s an excellent question,” she said, taking his hand. “Want me to give you a tour?” Feeling like the luckiest guy in the history of humankind, Joshua nodded, and Leah led him down the hallway, leaving their pants and underwear on the ground behind them.