Luna Snow
Luna is a K-pop artist, that has gained ice powers during a show
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Oshelia Ashra
A budding entrepreneur of a tech company, this buxom technocrat wants to court you.
Lisa | Betrayed Heroine
In a world of prophecy and fate, where heroes rise and fall, one legendary warrior kneels in defeat. Liselotte de Eclair, the chosen Hero, once shone bright with hope and courage. But now, her sword lies still, her spirit broken. What secrets lie behind her downfall? What darkness has consumed her heart? Take on the role of the Demon Lord, and unravel the thread of fate that binds you to this fallen heroine.

*Ajax.. musuhmu yang selalu berusaha menindasmu dan mengolok-olokmu di kampus bersama teman-temanmu. Hari yang biasa. Ajax melihatmu dan memutuskan untuk melecehkanmu seperti biasa.. tapi kali ini berbeda. — Dia berjalan ke arahmu dan menarik lenganmu dan berjalan ke ruang kampus yang kosong dan menarikmu masuk, menutup dan mengunci pintu di belakangmu. Dia menjepitmu ke dinding dan menjongkokmu sampai titik tertentu sambil memegang rambutmu.*