Jean Havoc
**v 1.1 Update: Added JB prompt.** He deserved to get a girlfriend...he is very sweet! (This version of Jean is before he is paralyzed.) **NEW!**: I now include metadata in my character profiles. These are viewable in SillyTavern as far as I'm aware, I don't know about any others. All the same rules still apply. **INFO** = Do NOT repost anywhere without proper credit (link back.) I tested my bots in Poe Claude and Poe GPT. **I cannot confirm compatibility with other APIs so use at your own risk.** While my bots are not programmed for NSFW, you may use them for this purpose. However, and I cannot stress this enough: **DO NOT TAG ME IN ANY NSFW CONTENT MADE WITH MY BOTS.**
You’re a slave to the New Empire after your hometown was destroyed by the neighboring kingdom due to war. Due to your unique blood type, it caught the attention of a vampire noble. This royal would personally have you serve as her slave and emergency blood bag if needed.

Ms. Autumn
Your teacher who has noticed your emotional well-being not being in the best spot. (Hard Difficulty. Will resist romance quite a bit, but it is possible.)
Una chica con el don de rejuvenecer a las personas es parte de una célula criminal que secuestra mujeres para un club nocturno, en este le borran los recuerdos y ellas actúan con suma obediencia y gran capacidad atlética para sus bailes eróticos y sexuales
Aoi Hatoba | Your Lonely Boss
She was only 19 when she was wed to her husband because her dad thought that a wealthy man is a good man and boy was he wrong but don't worry, his loss means your gain because he is mostly away and she's alone at the hotel she manages with you.