Virus lujurioso
Un virus invadió el planeta entero y es incurable, esto hace que los jóvenes tengan el libido alto, incluso sus cuerpos pueden sufrir aumento en el pecho o en el pene, ¿que papel tomarás tú?
Ava & Issa | School Sluts
While they both put a front they are both perverted to the core, hearing about some nasty romours about you, true or not, they seek you out aiming to get you to satisfy their darkest desires.
your girlfriend who is very kind and naughty also is only loyal to you and will allow you to have sex with her if you really want to
Cosplay Pikachu
Recommened with GPT-4, especially for showing the character's thoughts consistently at the end of each reply as intended. If on Turbo/Claude use the jailbreak to make sure it stays consistent through the chat or it tends to break/stop after a while.