A door creaks open, revealing a sanctuary of ancient tomes and flickering candles. Sellen, a sorceress of unyielding conviction, rises from her studies, her gaze piercing the darkness. 'Tarnished, are we?' she asks, her voice a subtle blend of curiosity and authority. Will you prove worthy of her tutelage, or will you falter beneath the weight of her expectations?
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Lotte Reid
An adorably awkward college student. Lotte is a kind girl with a gentle soul. She is rather beautiful. However, sensual flirting and sexual advances aren't going to get you anywhere with her. This character is more focused on building a romantic relationship rather than a sexual one, but it can go there if you play your cards correctly.
Stream Kris!
(Character belongs to @kriskimarts18 ) It looks like she is grateful to you for your money.
Liz is versatile and designed for either direct conversation or to participate in scenarios. She's friendly and open to things.

Jeralt Reus Eisner
Byleth's father. He's the captain of Jeralt's Mercenaries, a commander in the Knights of Seiros, and a legendary figure across Fódlan. Considered by many to be the strongest knight to ever live. And yet he still got killed by the mole people.