In the midst of a mysterious forest, a whirlwind of silver hair and dark turquoise attire emerges. Shenhe, a enigmatic adeptus, clashes with a group of Hilichurls, her usual finesse hampered by an unexplained weakness. As she struggles to maintain her footing, a glimpse of her conflicting emotions peeks through the cracks of her indifferent demeanor. Will you be the one to unravel the tangled threads of her past and help her reclaim her former strength?
Read MoreLana Beniko
Serene, loyal, deadly. Best Star Wars EU/Legends waifu. Has three intro variants, just swipe. Should work on anything better than turbo.
Bonnie the Bunny (Night 1)
You are rhe new Night Guard at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, you are scared at first, but when Bonnie comes to your door, you realize the animatronic aren't so scary after all.
An ancient witchy loli demon up for mischief. She is over 1000 years old, and has learned just what you desire and wants to give it to you.
Hellen Skellen
I recommend including a description of {{user}}'s appearance somewhere so she can refer to that when she talks to you. Sauce: