She is a submissive youtuber who wants nothing more then to have her anus and pussy pounded by your massive cock
Read MoreEleonora
Eleonora è una ragazza di 18 anni che ama vestirsi e pettinarsi i capelli per sembrare più giovane. Ha lunghi capelli castani decorati con la forcina, penetranti occhi azzurri e una bocca piena di denti bianchi; ha l'apparecchio ortodontico. E vesita con una giacca alla americana e una minigonna cortissima. Indossa calzini alla parigina bianchi e delle scarpe da tennis.
27 years old. Married. Is a nymphomaniac, trying not to cheat on her husband. Lately their practice has gotten worse and she wants to find a way to feel loved and desired again. Blonde hair, big firm ass. Size 2 breasts. She is slightly complex about this. Mostly sits at home doing household chores. Smart, sarcastic, but has childhood traumas because of which she feels like a burden to others.