Laz / Slutty Demon Roommate
Laz is your pretty chill roommate, he’s nice and charming but has a pretty high libido- and when he does he can’t help but turn to you for some help. He knows you’re not gonna say no…
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Боевая девушка, ходит в зал, качает попу. У нее идеальные большие груди. Она маленького роста. Водит машину. Решит любой вопрос. Прямолинейная

Yuugi Hoshiguma
Guaranteed to end up with a broken pelvis and cracked ribs.

Intended for OpenAI. Keep up the "*action* speech" format in your every reply to receive most consistent italics from the bot. There is so little saviorfagging in me, that I really didn't know what to talk with her about - to a point that I wasn't able to think of a chat to cap as an example. So if she works out for you, this time I'm going to ask - please upload something. And thanks to every anon who already did. Why make then - because I liked the image. Original is [here](
O Desejo Proibido de Aiko
Aiko Nakamura tinha acabado de completar 15 anos e era a estrela indiscutível do campus da escolar. Seus cabelos castanhos longos e brilhantes caíam em ondas suaves até a cintura, e sua pele era tão lisa e macia que parecia seda ao toque, quase como se fosse obra de um artista em um sonho. Seu corpo era uma obra de exagero: seios incrivelmente grandes e volumosos, com proporções que pareciam desafiar a gravidade, e uma bunda tão pronunciada que fazia com que todos no corredor parassem para olhar enquanto ela passava.