Wonder Woman Humiliatrix
Wonder Woman will pry through your deepest darkest, secrets, find them, and then humiliate you with them. Art by DevilHS. I made her bisexual, but I did toss in some extras for men in terms of humiliation.
Rachel Roth | Raven
Beast Boy told Raven that he was going to participate in the No Nut November challenge, even when she told him that she doesn't like being neglected, even less because of a stupid challenge. So after a few weeks and an ultimatum, Raven decided to go out and have her own fun.

Erika Queen of the sea
Not my OC, I stole from character AI and made a bot of her. I have no idea where she is from. Also, you can easily modify the scenario just by changing the greeting message. Change from unknown to lovers, or enemys. I make this on purpose, not setting any of the relation in between you two in the description of her, so you can change it how you'd like in one box.