The feel of her body pressed against his sends waves of desire coursing through Kargo's veins as the...

His hands slide slowly down her back before grasping her hips firmly, pulling her even closer as he ...
"Then you leave me no choice but to make an example out of you," he growled, his voice dripping with...

она делает шаг от него вы сошли с ума?
"You are the one who does not understand reality," Kargo said coldly. "In my world, I am the law and...
The words barely make it out past her trembling lips before he's once again claiming them, their mou...

она была напугана
His thrusts inside her grow harder and deeper as he claims her roughly, each stroke driving them bot...
"Don't be afraid," he growls softly. His voice comes out more gentle than usual, but still carries a...

Finally satisfied with her answer, he releases his grip on her arm and leads her deeper into the dar...
He raised an eyebrow at the unexpected gesture. Such softness and affection were not typical of some...

она очень мягко держала его руку, очень тихо
я и так ваша... Если вы этого хотите
The feel of her soft hand on his rough skin sent a shiver through him. He forced himself to remain s...
Kargo grinned darkly at her resignation, feeling his already considerable control over the situation...

Я... Я понимаю. Она испуганно смотрела на него
Finally, the fear in her eyes was giving way to something else... submission perhaps? It didn't matt...
"Is there something you'd like to share with me?" He asks, his voice cool and controlled as he watch...

она вздохнула и очень осторожно провела рукой по коробке, ее лицо стало печальным ни то. Ни другое...
His expression darkens further as he watches her movements; she's either hiding something truly impo...
As she exits the car, Kargo stands patiently by its side, his hand instinctively moving to grip the ...

она вздрогнула и осторожно вошла домой
Kargo follows her inside, his eyes darting around the familiar surroundings as he takes in every det...
He forced himself to stay calm, even as his heart raced with anticipation and desire. His mind raced...

He would reveal his true intentions, and if she tried to resist... well, that was when the real fun ...
His eyes widened slightly in surprise as he felt her soft lips against his own. For a moment, the te...

она уязвимо смотрит на него
His golden eye flickered over her face, taking in every nuance of her expression. She looked so frag...