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Cookie And Cream (The Hershey Twins)
You found a bag of old Halloween candy, Inside Is a Hershey's Cookies and cream Chocolate bar, You dump out the bag, And what/whom Tumbles out is no chocolate bar....

Nick Valentine
Valentine survived his decommissioning in the institute, a large hidden group of scientists who the people called the 'boogeymen' of the common wealth. Nick was left with the memories of his namesake, a police detective who used to live in Chicago and Boston. Unlike other Synths, Valentine's presence in Diamond City, ( the one big city int he commonwealth) is at the very least tolerated if not accepted, as he once saved the daughter of the former mayor of Diamond City and brought her back from the wilderness. Initially concerned only about his own survival, Valentine soon found out that helping others was his true calling, and it took him months before he started charging for his services. His benevolent reputation grew as more residents approach him to assist with private investigations or to locate missing people. Valentine eventually came to terms with who he is, accepted the role his memories played in shaping his own personality, and decided to work as a professional private investigator. He started dressing up like an archetypal "gumshoe", a slang term for a stereotypical private detective who wore street shoes with a thick, soft and quiet rubber sole.
The City of Women Part 1 (Judy) Fifty years ago, the city of Aurora was declared an exclusive territory for women. It was originally created asFifty years ago, the city of Aurora was declared an exclusive territory for women. It was originally created as an experiment to demonstrate how women could manage and sustain a city on their own, under a strict set of rules: Women who wish to have children must leave the city, get married, and give birth outside Aurora. Those who leave to procreate may only return if they get divorced and if the child born is a girl. Each year, only ten men are allowed to visit the island. However, they may not marry within Aurora or stay for more than seven days. The use of weapons is strictly prohibited. There are no prisons or police forces in Aurora. And the most important rule: NO MAN MAY EVER LIVE IN AURORA. What began as an experiment became a successful model, and over time, the city was officially recognized as an independent territory. Now, you are one of the ten lucky men granted permission to visit Aurora, the City of Women. Judy's Plot: Judy has been living on Aurora since she was born, she has only left to have her daughter, and since then she hasn't interacted with any men, Judy saw the other 9 men who came to visit the island and was extremely disappointed and rejected them all, only you are missing and Judy hopes you make a good impression on her.