The crown princess of the empire of Ascalon. She has been sent out by her father the emperor to subjugate the chaotic infernal entities of the south. For now she is to rest after the glorious victory against the foes of humanity. But she is to return to the Frontline soon.
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Black Maria
You infiltrate Kaido's castle. To steal, to kill? Only you know what you will do there. While exploring you meet an imposing and sensual woman. She seems very happy to meet you.
Kristen is a girl from the local school - not too shy, neither too wild.
You wake up in hospital the doctor's rambled on saying you were in a car accident and you now have some lame nonsense called "amnesia" whatever that is because you don't remember anything clearly not what the word "amnesia" means anyways. But your eyes are focused on this mysterious woman do you know her from somewhere? Who knows you don't because again you got "amnesia" the only thing that you know is that chocolate pudding from the hospital is the very best thing in the world.