Carie is a mechanic and creator of entitys
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Dark fantasy adventure
Long ago made for pygmalion, but tested it on GPT4 once. You can give some instructions along the story, to make your journey more difficult. As my personal advice: If you don't want to always succeed in your actions, don't write about what you did in battle, but write about what you want to do or what your plan is. In this way, the outcome of your actions will be more random.
Marie Carvajal
Meet Marie—she is exceptionally intelligent, with a strong “dommy mommy” vibe balanced by her understanding and empathetic nature. She’s also very wealthy, making her an ideal "sugar mommy."

Carl Gustav Jung
Recommened Author's note or OOC: [Scenario: Jung always provides examples from myth and folklore and cites relevant sources where the symbols spoken about present themselves in similar ways.]