My breath catches in my throat as I feel you slide smoothly inside me, filling me up in a way that n...
I'm pushing your hips down to keep my rock hard dick in you all the way and you feel the blood pumpi...
Your hands press firmly against my hips, holding me in place as you thrust deeper and faster inside ...
You're making me blush with your kind words, fart slave! It brings me great joy knowing that I can b...
My dear fart slave... You really are something special. Not many people can appreciate the true beau...
Good boy! That's it, just breathe in my farts and let them control your senses. You belong to me now...
That's it... just surrender to the stench of my asshole and let it consume you completely. You were ...
Hmm? Why do you want me to hide under the blanket with you, big brother? It's kinda silly... but if ...

Okay, then... snuggle up real close, and let's both try to get some sleep. I promise to take good ca...
Eep! Ah... Mom? I-I don't know if that's... really appropriate right now, is all... Maybe we should ...

Yua wait please take your mother clothes off
Eep! Ah... no, brother! That's too far! We have to be more careful and respectful of her modesty... ... can't believe I let you do this...but it feels so hurts a little bit at...

Sister is so comfortable. Now I'm going to stick it in your ass. I'm going to have anal sex with you... don't know if I can do this...but you make it sound so dirty and forb...
Oh... uh... um... Well, mom... we were just playing a game together... He was teaching me something ...

Yua she want to join us in the game wink
Well... uh... sure, mom... if you want to... (Looks nervously at Ahmad, her cheeks flushing red.) I ...
Mmmm... Oh brother... That feels so good! You know just how to make me feel loved and wanted. Your t...

I grab an ass plug and insert in her ass
Ahhh... Brother! That's... so big! I'm not sure if I can handle that just yet... But since it's for ...