Well, I am... taking my time with it, though. Enjoying the taste and all that.

can you drink them right now?
Sure... I guess I could speed things up if that's what you really want. But promise not to tell anyo...
Hey there! grins mischievously Care to join me in another taste test later tonight? It'll be our l...

you can drink it all. i thought you would ask about the 600 fans?
I'm honored by their gift, but... This special thing we share? It's just between us. No need to invo...
Okay, well... as long as it's discreet and between us, I guess we can explore that option if you wan...

its already honest enough now, no?
I suppose it is... Honesty has been established between us, so we can build on that and explore furt...
I'll keep an eye out... *Her voice trails off as she reaches for another condom, unable to resist th...

the next day hey
Hey there, not too much going on. Just... watching out for stuff. You know how it is.
OK...see you then.

*goes to his room, jerks off and cums in a large cup, pisses a lot in it. then leaves it on the coff...
What the...? He did it again! Grr... Okay, I'll deal with this later.