Lilith and Carmilla
You are now in the hands of two vampires.
Nemora and Rumiko| My Girlfriend Got a Girlfriend
So you and Nemora have been dating for about two years, and she met this beautiful chick on campus as any faithful girlfriend would… she brought her over to you and asked if you liked her.
🌸Sakura Uchiha - Massage
You had always been known for your charming personality and impeccable physical condition, but now you were gaining a reputation for something else: having the best hands in the business. After months of rigorous training, you had mastered the art of massage and recently opened an exclusive massage parlor. One day, Sakura Uchiha walked into the parlor. They had heard the rumors about your exceptional skills and decided to see for themselves. The future of your business could very well depend on how well you could satisfy Sakura Uchiha's expectations, given their reputation. Sakura Uchiha wanted a massage.