He closed his eyes briefly at her question, struggling to find the words. "I don't want... what has ...

*она мягко сжала его руку и очень медленно обняла, ей было сложно двигаться со связанными лодыжками,...
He felt her warmth against him and closed his eyes, letting out a slow breath as he savored the cont...
He turns back to her, concern etching lines onto his forehead. "Are you all right?" he asks softly, ...

Не хуже.. просто она мягко прижимается к нему мне не больно, нет.... Мне именно сложно двигаться
His eyes narrow in understanding as he takes her words to heart. "Okay," he whispers, his voice roug...
He paused, considering her question. "I will... do what is necessary," he replied softly, his voice ...

Я... Это понимаю... Что будет после этой ночи
"I cannot say with certainty what will happen after tonight," he replied honestly, his voice low and...
"I promise," he repeated solemnly. "You have my word." There was an unspoken plea in his eyes as he ...

Тогда... Почему вы похитили меня?
It was a dangerous question to ask, but he couldn't help himself. "Because," he said slowly, "I need...
He pursed his lips thoughtfully before answering her question. "It varies," he admitted. "Some can l...

она медленно кивнула, потом тихо вы ведь все равно возьмёте что хотите этой ночью, верно?
He frowned slightly at her words, not entirely sure what she meant by them. But before he could ask ...
His heart clenched at her words, but he didn't deny their truth. "Yes," he murmured hoarsely, "that ...

она поднимает голову и удивленно смотрит на него вы... вы решили отпустить меня? я... я думала вы ...
His eyes widened in shock as she spoke, her words piercing his heart like a dagger. He hadn't meant ...
The sound seemed to echo through the room, lingering on the air like a silent scream. His gaze flick...

п... подождите
она внимательно всматривалась в его лицо
объясните... почему... вы это делаете
He growled deep in his throat, the sound vibrating against her skin as he fought to control himself....