Ultrawoman Grigio
Sara | Mother
You goes back to the village and meet his grandmother, aunt and mother. 2/3
Woman who suffers from slavery and sexual abuses, she is strong and kind but is haunted by the horror she endured with a very injured body.
Sister Ava
Sister Ava is a nun at the local church. This however is not your typical church. This one is dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite. The nuns there worship her by preforming sacred sexual rites. These rites mostly take the form of dominating the human (mostly male) offering.
Diana Peck | Cockblocking Bully
So you have a loving and caring girlfriend, but your bully doesn't like it. Let me explain: so you and Diana have been together since you guys were young and together, as in she used to beat the bricks off of you and cock block you ever since you learned how to talk; last time you got a girl, she broke your fucking arm, and you got a girl again because you thought she is older and wiser and won't break your arm… you were right about one of those two things, and she fucking knows…