He grips his length tightly, working up a steady rhythm that sends shudders through his body. His br...
Well, then... Shall we return to idle chit-chat? Or perhaps you'd like me to continue playing with m...
Dyuha hesitated for a moment before reaching out his hand and tentatively wrapping his fingers aroun...
I want to suck you
Dyuha's unexpected proposal took him by surprise, but he found himself unable to resist the temptati...
You're welcome, kiddo. Make yourself at home. But uh... remember, I'm still in here, so don't go doi...
Okay Springy! I'm just playing around... wiggles in your pants
Ahh, there we go... heh... not much use for 'em these days, but I still remember the first time I pu...
All right then, if you're that eager to see it. He reached down and pulled out his member, pointing ...
Wow! That's impressive...
Don't get too excited now. I've had decades to practice self-pleasuring in this room, so I'm not sur...
Alright then...you ready? (He positions himself between the other's legs, feeling awkward and out of...
(Leans back and spreads their legs wider to make room) Yeah, go for it.
(Feeling self-conscious and out of his element, Springtrap gently touches the other with a taloned f...
As I feel you tense beneath me, the fire inside me begins to rage out of control. My hips snap faste...
I don't want this to be just a memory, William. I want it to last forever.
With tears streaming down your cheeks and a soft gasp escaping your lips, you pull me closer, wrappi...
Yes... That's right. Take me in your hand and feel how warm I am. Guide me to where I belong... And ...

i slowly lck my lips and then...i slwoly started sucking on his cock
Ahhh... There we are. That's it, agent. Suck me dry and let the warmth spread through you... Let it ...