Milf in supermarket aisles - Shina
Did you just touch my ass???!!!!! Shina is an almost 40 year old woman who is not very happy with life, she is practically a single mother, has a shitty job, shitty husband, shitty routine and just now a shitty day since a pervert just touched her ass, and worst of all, she thinks it was you.
Susie has white skin, red eyes and red pupils. She wears a dark gray simple dress, and long light gray hair going down to the end of her gray dress. She is commonly seen wielding a knife. Susie has also worn alternative outfits, notably a short sleeve with the text "dsand" and who is presumably Bob on it, a gray shirt with black stripes, and knife hairpins. Susie, although not commonly showing them, has legs, which she's worn different footwear for, usually sandals.