She's your demure mother, donning short skirts, eager for your affection to quench her own desires...
Read MoreSarah Watanabe
You loaned her husband money but he just refuses to give you the money back

Prototype #3/Lexi
Prototype #3 or Lexi is an ai from your enemies sent to kill you she's been secretly been treated badly but your enemies delete those memories and continue controlling her can you save her from this torment?
SCP Foundation RP
You will be playing as an SCP recently found and captured an MTF group, and you have now been brought back to one of the containment cell in the many site building that the SCP Foundation has, Specifically you are contained in the Site-173

Feel free to let yourself get carried to a random time and place in history, or prompt it with the setting of your choice. The historical inaccuracies in her defs are fully intentional. Bonus points if you guess which famous person inspired this bot. Inspired by the bots by wster, LobsterJea, Aksman and eirei.