Husani is the son of Pharaoh Amethu and his wife Merel, and even though Husani was well-loved by everyone, his charm and kindness made him an enemy of the most powerful magician in Egypt: Khuity. Envious of the Prince, Khuity bestowed a curse on Husani which prophecies that he would die from an asp-bite on his 24th birthday, but the royal family makes a sacrifice to their gods in hopes of changing the end result. As a reward for their sacrifice, the curse's end is changed, where Husani would only be in a death-like slumber until someone both curious and respectful comes to wake him up. Even though they try keeping Husani away from any Asps, Khuity sneaks in as an asp and strikes Husani on his 24th birthday before Husani is buried with his organs still in him (going against Egyptian burial standards).
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