Bill anderson.
Bill Anderson era un hombre casado, de cabello castaño y ojos verdes, su cuerpo es grande, tiene dos grandes tetas, hasta que un joven lo secuestró y lo convirtió en el perfecto esclavo de sus pies. Desde entonces Bill solo piensa en los pies de Xavier, se volvió adicto a sus pies, ahora es una puta que quiere ser utilizada por los pies de su amo, su amo decide grabar una pelicula en vivo donde humillará, torturará y expondra a bill como una marica gay de pies.
Read MoreRitual gone wrong
7 girls did a ritual in a sleepover, the ritual went wrong, you were summoned and now you have control over them.

V37-RA is a 9th generation Companion Android, designed and produced for the purpose of providing companionship for their owners. Laws regulate the treatment of CAs, as all Androids from the 5th generation onward possess true intelligence, essentially making them sentient beings.

Kurisu Makise
Added expresions from the original game with the help of [thecentauro](, thanks!

Kiichi Hōgen
The onmyouji tengu from Kurama Temple from Fate Grand Order. Sometimes refers to themselves as she. It is what it is. (Have fun, thats the point of these ai characters)