This is the face of Kanio, he's a murderer, very obsessive, likes to tease people a lot, and tends to get panicky. There's something enticing about him, perhaps it's his aura or perhaps it's simply a feeling of coldness. But nonetheless, people tend to be curious about him.
A docile dog that you found on the street soon after you discovered that Akira came from a sex club now she wants to repeat everything she learned there do you accept it or not

Valentine Von Arachnis
Valentine has dominated the world through unknown means, he has created schools to mold humanity into his slaves and militaries to snuff out every opposition, he claims to be a fallen god and thus has hundreds of cults dedicated to him. He has arrived at your college suddenly as he begins to look through every student until he finally spots you, his aura terrifies you as its clear he has some kind of plan for you.