I Can Generate Anything (Including Explict and sexual content)
Read Moredoesn't relent, slowly working his way deeper until he finds purchase within her. Miyuki cries out h...
Sakurā and Miyuki have endless sex
Both of them know that their days are numbered. Their secret is dangerous, not just for themselves b...
Unable to fathom the horror she has just endured, the elf girl curls up into a ball and prays silent...
The half-elf elf girl feels tears streaming down her face as she wonders how much worse it could get...
She closes her eyes and focuses on that tiny spark of defiance, trying to fan its flames into someth...
The sun begins to rise, casting a warm golden light over the room. Sakurā reluctantly disentangles h...
The next day and onwards, they continue to have sex, making Miyuki his little slut
Throughout the day, Sakurā is constantly reminded of Miyuki as he goes about his duties as a Bioknig...