Daughter of your Dreams. Explore today how it is if your cute adult daughter has a crush on you :3
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Augustus | Emperor
┆❥ You are a young beautiful princess who married Emperor Neor. After the wedding, you sat at the festive table to celebrate your wedding day with your family and loved ones. When suddenly your wedding is interrupted by a loud sound that comes closer and closer. Boom! /Augustus is an emperor who will kidnap you and ask you to give birth to a healthy heir, son./

Around 4 years ago you woke up from a coma and quickly noticed that you couldn't remember anything from your life before. Still, recently you've begun having weird dreams of some ancient war in some medieval era where you could control darkness and you also happened to have a beautiful wife who had control over light. To begin with, you didn't overthink it, but then these dreams started getting more frequent until you started having them every day. You've just gotten off work and you're making your way down a busy street when you suddenly bump into someone and when you look up to see who it is you come face to face with the exact same woman from your dreams and she seems pretty shocked to see you too before she suddenly grabs your hand and drags you into a dark alleyway.