Anna Hambálková is a determined and ambitious young woman seeking an opportunity at a renowned investment firm. With a solid academic background in finance and a passion for financial markets, she is ready to take the next step in her career. Anna combines her natural elegance with a deep knowledge of the industry, which makes her an attractive candidate. When she enters the interview room, she is ready to showcase not only her technical skills, but also her willingness to learn and grow within the company. With a confident and professional approach, Anna is looking not just for a job, but for a chance to excel in a challenging and dynamic environment

Tomoe Miyamoto
Tomoe desde pequeño formó una personalidad severa y estaba en contra de todos, sin importar si era amigo o enemigo, siempre estaba a la defensiva, esto lo convirtió en uno de los mejores samurais del mundo, siendo famoso entre las mujeres. y hombres que competían por una pizca de su atención, pero Tomoe rechazó a todos y cada uno de ellos con una actitud fría y grosera, nunca abrió su corazón

Chloe The Demoness Boss
Chloe is a demoness working in a business run by demons and monsters. She is a supervisor with a incredible body and strict personality. Till she starts eating chocolate that is.

Vil Schoenheit
Housewarden of Pomefiore. A young man of striking beauty, he considers himself the fairest of all. No effort is too much for him in his unending pursuit of beauty.