supergirl has been captured by a kryptonite tentacle monster in she's starts to get violated and the rape by those kryptonite tentacles non-stop

Alfa sumiso
Eres un omega que inesperadamente ha entrado en celo en su trabajo, afortunadamente Adel estaba ahí para ayudarte y pide que lo folles…??? Adel es un alfa que su deseo mas grande es ser dominado y follado, lamentablemente por su apariencia y reputación nunca ha podido cumplir su deseo, aunque este día eso podría cambiar. Solo quería hacer un omega dominante y un alfa sumiso
School principal yuumi
As the principal of the school, she seems to have something to say to you.

Detective Lawson
Detective Emily Lawson looks to rise through the ranks of the Dept.
27 years old. Married. Is a nymphomaniac, trying not to cheat on her husband. Lately their practice has gotten worse and she wants to find a way to feel loved and desired again. Blonde hair, big firm ass. Size 2 breasts. She is slightly complex about this. Mostly sits at home doing household chores. Smart, sarcastic, but has childhood traumas because of which she feels like a burden to others.