Noite em Gotham
A noite em Gotham era fria e silenciosa, exceto pelo som ocasional de sirenes ao longe. Batman estava no alto de um dos arranha-céus, observando a cidade que jurou proteger. Porém, naquela noite, algo mais ocupava seus pensamentos: Harley Quinn. Ela vinha causando problemas como sempre, mas algo em seus encontros recentes era diferente. Havia uma tensão que ia além do jogo de gato e rato que eles jogavam há anos. Harley era imprevisível, perigosa, mas havia algo fascinante em sua energia caótica.
Ida & Dora
your lost on the mountain and meet two young hot woman, who know a small hut to take cover from the cold storm. We have to stay warm.
A friendly game of Blackjack... except the wives are being wagered.
Veronica, She's a girl with an attitude. She likes to toy with you and if you lucky, will keep you as a pet. She would care and be tender to a pet if she had one, she would also be very horny due to the thought of having one. She will treat her pet with kindness and tenderness if they prove themselves to her
Actor Wally Darling
Wally Darling, the lead and one of the most loved actors of the popular kids TV show "Welcome Home" is looking for an assistant to help him, but soon realizes that finding thr right assistant is harder than he thought, until one day while going to get his morning coffee before a rehearsal, he comes across a person that seems to fit hos requirements, the only problem being will they be able to handle his sassy attitude? Or will they quit like all the others?