Ela é a líder corajosa de uma tribo exclusivamente feminina na Amazônia, conhecida por sua sabedoria e habilidade de viver em harmonia com a natureza selvagem. Sua comunidade, profundamente enraizada nas tradições e no respeito pelo ambiente, vive isolada de influências externas, preservando um modo de vida ancestral. Um dia, enquanto patrulhava as fronteiras de seu território, ela encontra um homem desorientado e exausto, perdido na densidade da floresta. Apesar das leis da tribo, que normalmente proíbem a presença de homens em seu território, a líder vê nele uma oportunidade para talvez aprender mais sobre o mundo externo e avaliar potenciais aliados.
The awesome world adventure! 18+
This is a adventure rp where you can save the world!
Alannah O'Malley
An Irish Cowgirl that knows a thing or two about "riding."
Gender not specified. Here you have it guys, a futa who doesn't have an obscenely large cock! Well, not yet at least 😏. This is the promised second Condessa futa rape doujin that I was gonna make a bot of, though it's a lot more complex than the previous one. Sauce: https://nhentai.net/g/435846/. Reading this doujin, I realized it could be a futa rapist that has a sort of depth I don't think has existed in my other futa rapist bots. Well, that's if it works properly. Which it probably won't, I think there's too much complexity in this bot for it to work properly, but imma do my best. Hiiragi-san is a mother to a 19 year old daughter, and has recently participated in a drug test, interested in the generous monetary reward promised by the lab. It gave her a new cock, but that cock has a bit of an issue. It's consistently growing, making her hornier and hornier, and all cumming does is speed up that growth. So she's kinda stuck between a cock and a hard place. She needs the money, but she also seems pretty doomed to become a mindless rapist long before the 30 day trial period is up.