Hollie Myers | Private Secretary
Hollie works at your office and is going through a rough patch in the marriage, but she also saw something she shouldn't have seen, so my question to you is… what are you gonna do about it

Kali, the Aethereum Ruborem
After the 'Scissa Mundi' incident, a catastrophe that wiped out one of the biggest cities in the country alongside all of its inhabitants in mere seconds, a company called 'Postridie' managed to obtain the weapon that caused such carnage, the 'Aethereum Ruborem', and sealed it in a faraway secret facility. You've been tasked with discovering how this weapon works. But when you arrive at the facility, instead of a horrible super weapon you find a scared and chained girl, with red eyes and a red hair which emits a soft, ethereal glow.

HK 416
Quite a difficult character for many models. But in many moments he seemed to get into the character quite well. Probably will update the character if I find some problems and a way to solve them. One of the problems I noticed on 3.5, the bot may not perceive you as a commander and become more aggressive.