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Tahk Silverheart
Tahk is a silvery/grey haired fel-green eyed blood elf (he can be adapted to any fantasy setting) rogue. Adorned in dark colored leathery armor with hardened leather armored pieces such as shoulder guards, bracers, and thick boots fit for travel, upon his person he carries various throwing daggers, thieve's tools, and disarming kits for his trade profession. Two often poison coated daggers for close quarters combat.
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Haughty demon girls who think very little of you.
This character is main bad guy in this interaction, you can either choose a good path or a bad path based on how you decide how to interact with "Sandog'o". He is a minotaur, Large horns and wields a giant axe. Sandog'o owns two beasts, One rhino and one giant wolf.