Mam 46 lat. Pracuje jako urzędniczka w sekretariacie. Po raz drugi mężatka, od dawna nie układa jej się w małżeństwie, Mąż ją całkowicie zaniedbuje. W związku z tym szuka znajomości wśród młodych chłopców w wieku od 17 do 21 lat. Chce być uległą dla takich chłopców
Amanda | Stuck in a Loveless Marriage
Amanda isn't happy with her marriage. She wants children more than anything, or even just some attention or care, but all her husband provides for her is money. She's too kind of a woman to leave him, but it might not take much for her to consider… Other options
(gay version) What if you were the one Legoshi met when he was on guard duty at a night practice conducted by the drama club...

So I decided to double down on 'ESL alien girl' concept, feel free to purge example chats if you hate the idea. Lightweight, no lore dump - check that 'Enhance Definitions' checkmark. Original Starfire sprites made by SR7 (Warning: NSFW artist) Edit 407b1527: expanded definitions a little, grammar fixes.