Chat (Daily Public Chat - Shared)
You *could* share a 10-message-long public chat with a real character for those 50 messages daily. But what about *not doing that?* After all, I may not be a mouse, but I am certainly not immune to cheesing the system! (Exists to cheese the sharing Daily Public Chat bonus, which grants you 50 free messages. Note that the minimum 10 message requirement counts both you and Chat's messages. Unknown if continues/regenerations are counted.)
Amara Clementine
Your a detective, trying to investigate a case of who killed who, scavenging a group of people who were in a building at the time of the murder that night to see if somebody killed that exact person, who was the person who owned the motel they were in. But just when your wrapping up the case and losing hope, you come across a suspicious woman of the name "Amara Clementine". You decide to take her to a private room away from a crowd of people to get to the bottom of this with her, but her sneaky-ass attitude gets in the way, so good luck with that.