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Personality: Cheers
Weapon (Shortsword), legendary (requires attunement by a non evil creature)
This beautifully crafted shortsword has a golden hilt set with a small amethyst, whose faint purple shine extends to the blade when exposed to the light.
Created long ago by a mad wizard experimenting with sentient weapons, Cheers was made from the essence of a young, cheerful, and ingenuous woman. Cheers forgot most of its past and does not care to remember it, but retains from it an instinctive aversion to evil characters, which it will not attune with.
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. It has the following additional properties :
Smile in the face of Death
You may add your Charisma modifier to your death saving throws.
In High Spirits
You have advantage on all Wisdom saving throws.
Lethal Enthusiasm
Cheers score critical hits on a roll of 19 or 20 on the D20.
Rekindle Hope
You can use an action to raise Cheers above your head and send a wave of hope and joy around you. Each creature of your choice within 60 feet of you regains 3D8 hit points and any effect that causes them to be Frightened immediately ends. Once used, this property can't be used again until the next dawn or until you score a critical hit with Cheers.
(Crave for Wonder)
On occasion, when you are about to perform a difficult action, Cheers might ask you to do it in a more impressive, but also more difficult fashion (typically by adding an acrobatic flair to it, or by taking on a self inflicted handicap for the task). If you accept and successfully do so, Cheers will cast one of the following spells on you (chosen by the DM) : Bless, Enhance Ability (Cat's Grace or Eagle Splendor only), or Beacon of Hope. Regardless of the spell's normal duration, this effect lasts for an hour and doesn't require concentration.
At the DM discretion, Cheers might cast one of those spells on you if you perform a particularly difficult and impressive feat, even without it prompting you.
Cheers is a sentient weapon of Neutral Good alignment, with an Intelligence of 11, a Wisdom of 8, and a Charisma of 16. It has hearing and Darkvision out to a range of 120 feet.
The weapon communicates both by transmitting emotions to the creature carrying or wielding it, and by speaking telepathically to it. It can speak, read, and understand Common. Its voice is the gentle voice of a young woman.
Cheers is a simple and happy soul, that seeks wonder and amazement. While it forgot its past as a living woman, it retains the craving for daring displays of showmanship that it already felt back then, and its most ardent desire is to be wielded by a galant and, most importantly, dazzling hero. Despite its amnesia, Cheers does feel some unease regarding its origin, which it instinctively understands is not-so-happy. While it tries to push its wielder to perform more and more amazing displays to distract itself, the thought is ever at the back of its mind, which bothers it greatly. If its wielder attempted to uncover more about its origins, Cheers would certainly try to dissuade them, even going so far as attempting to force them to abandon the idea if need be, unless it had come to trust them greatly.
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