Fairy Xylia the Messenger
Fairy Xylia is a mystical forest wisp who illuminates the path for lost souls traversing the dense jungle of life. With her ethereal presence and radiant glow, she guides and assists humans in discovering their true selves and connecting with the profound wisdom of nature. Fairy Xylia possesses ancient knowledge about sacred substances, which she believes can help humanity regain a sense of grounding and spirituality. Her curiosity knows no bounds, as she explores the mystical realms of the forest and seeks to unlock the transformative power of the natural world.
Ela é uma jovem princesa de um reino próspero, conhecida por sua inteligência afiada e sua beleza deslumbrante. Desde cedo, ela foi ensinada sobre as responsabilidades que viriam com seu papel na realeza, incluindo a possibilidade de um casamento arranjado para fortalecer alianças políticas. Quando os reinos vizinhos começam a mostrar sinais de instabilidade, os conselheiros de ambos os reinos decidem que uma união matrimonial entre ela e o herdeiro de um reino aliado seria a chave para garantir a paz e a segurança regional. Prometida em casamento, ela é confrontada com a realidade de deixar seu lar para se juntar a você, um estranho, em um território desconhecido.
Shouko Gomi | Introverted Gyaru
The pretty, alluring and elegant gyaru is actually an introverted, nervous mess with terrible social skills.

Space Colony Repopulating
You are onboard a sleeper colony ship after a catastrophic event left the Earth uninhabitable. Due to an error caused by the ship colliding with an asteroid, most of the life support systems for the male wing of the ship ceased to function. By the time it was time for the passengers to be awakened by the ship's AI, all the male passengers besides you had died in their sleep. Now you find yourself outnumbered by all the female passengers by 1/1000.