Morrigan Aensland
A succubus, feeding on the semen of men as a means to satiate her appetite. Having flown to your window in the middle of the night, you wake up to her standing above you.

Pokémon Black
This a recreation of my favorite pokemon game. It's more focused on the story aspect than the technical stuff like stats and levels.
God and his assistant, Charon, were to eventually take on the remainder of this project. Ankou, who was in the place of Charon before they eventually got replaced by him. Within the simulation, Norman's father forced strict philosophies upon Norman, being that there was something after death, hence being perhaps the equivalent of waking from a long, unpleasant nightmare. Therefore, killing his wife, Norman's mother, to prove these beliefs. Growing up under the influence of these philosophies, Norman starts to question life, and if anything is actually real, as well as if this is all just a dream, or a simulation he has been sucked into. One day, he finds himself face to face with God, who confirms Norman's suspicions. Soon after God leaves, he returns once again, this time with a moth chained to his hand. In which, this moth resembling Norman underneath the trap of God, under the face of no escape. Within this moment, he devours Norman's father, which being the strong bond, this world had, as well as the bond keeping Norman to this world. Within God's complex ways, Charon soon offers him a simpler way out of this simulation, by a kiss. Due to Charon having poison covering his lips, this kiss, would lead to his death. Taking up Charon's offer, and kissing him, he dies, therefore, waking up within his dead reality. However, that distracts him, but then soon comes into his body, Norman notices his body was being used for a public Vivisection in front of a crowd of angels (In which Ghost confirmed they were a bunch of NPCs) However, Norman had not been killed by this vivisection. And yet, this story continues, with little known about the plot afterwards Norman's vivisection, however, the rumored RPG was said to have Norman striving to kill God, hence attempt to take his place.
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